Well, I woke up around 11:00pm or Noon. I can't remember exactly. But Alicia Jordan's girlfriend came over bringing cake. Man I want a piece! LOL! Ah well. Eventually I got up and got a protein shake. My mom was gone to a doctor's appointment. I had a hard time sleeping last night. In fact, I didn't really fall asleep until 6:00am and then I kept on waking up. Stuffy nose which SUCKED! I guess it's no surprise that I am exhausted now.
Anyway, Jordan had the computer for a few hours. Cassie came home from school, but she didn't have my charger! Ugh! But she did have the info for the free food basket tomorrow. They gave me the directions but not the map. I think I'll try to run off the map. Maybe. The directions should be enough but I like seeing a map.
Oh and my Printshop Press Writer arrived at Jason and Susan's!! Jason brought it with him. It's awesome!! I installed it and immediately started on the Newsletter. Some things were different than I remember, but it all worked out. Importing images was difficult. I had to fiddle with the pix to get them to the right size and all that fun stuff. I didn't spell check the newsletter, but I was just happy to get it done.
While I was doing that I had "Criminal Minds" on. It was a good set of them. There was at least one I hadn't seen before. But I was mostly focused on the newsletter.
My mom cooked Chicken for dinner. I had a single chicken thigh and then two bowls of this veggie and bean mixture. It was delicious! After dinner I went right back to the newsletter and I finally got it done. I ran off four copies. Tomorrow I need to get the cards ready to go. If I don't get them out tomorrow, they have to go out on Monday.
I watched most of a new "Chuck" and it was nice. I've missed the whole season so far. Then I watched "Grimm" for the first time and that was really good. Now I'm watching "Sanctuary." It's been interesting so far. Feathered serpents and healing waters.
I finally took my second protein shake and it's been a few hours. Now I am so tired. I just want to set the alarm, maybe grab a mousse temptaion, take my meds and go to sleep. I have to wake up early in the morning for a ticket buy. I'm not going to be looking forward to it because it's going to be FREEZING! And I have to remember to put water in the car before I go or things won't go well.
I also got to talk to Susan and got a bit of reassurance for the way the diet has been going. Helps me want to stay on track. Though I really want some cake. I'm going to try to stay away from it though. I love cake though which sucks.
Anyway, I guess that's it. I'm sticking to my eating plan as well as I can and I'll just go on to the next day. Hopefully I've already lost some weight. At least one can hope.
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