You know, this day has been kind of off all day and then made worse. I woke up fine. Had my protein shake, took my meds, took my vitamins. Susan came and picked me up and we went to the gym. We got inside only to find out that Susan forgot her swim suit at home. She said she'd wait, but it was sad that she couldn't join in the water aerobics class. What was kind of neat though, was that several of the women told Susan as they got ready to leave that I was an inspiration because I was working so hard. They said that if I could come every day then they could too. That was nice to hear. Of course, I'm paying for the week in the pool. I have rashes all over my body and I put on the cream and it hasn't done any good. I'm thinking I'm going to have to use it at least twice a day.
After that, I came home. Susan and I talked in the car for awhile, then she had to go. So I got out and went inside. I got the computer from Jordan and started puttering around. Then my mom wanted to go to the bank, Albertson's and Rite Aid. Cassie arrived home just as we were leaving. It was because Jason was being an asshole again. I was so pissed off at him. He was like he was going to cancel our Christmas Eve dinner together. Then he was saying he was leaving Susan after the New Year. She was saying he was going to be homeless. I got pissed and I called him and I left a message on her voice mail that if he left, Susan would be homeless and that all I had to say was that Karma was a bitch and she'd catch up to him.
Anyway, we took my mom to the bank. Then she went to Rite Aid. She changed her mind about Albertson's. While she did that she gave us $5 to go to McDonald's. I got Cassie two McChickens and then I got a diet Dr. Pepper. My mother was thrilled when she got out of Rite Aid. She got her hair-dryer and a few other things. She got Cassie a teal scarf. :-) When we got home, Jason texted and invited us over for dinner. He was sorry and wanted Cassie to come back. We made him wait a bit to get an answer because we weren't sure. But then before we could go Cassie wanted to finish the chapter she was reading in her book. I was watching an episode of "The Closer." It was the Christmas one from two years ago, I think. It was fun to watch again. Jason also asked me to bring my computer so I did. That was cool because I got to play around on it. I was really into my Facebook today. I changed the profile to this new one called Timeline and it's awesome! I love it!! So I was playing with it. I think I might be on Facebook a bit more now.
Things seemed to be okay for awhile, but then one of Cassie's friends called and wanted her to come over. We told her no. She freaked out. Jason became a jerk. It was a mess again for a little bit. But eventually it all worked out. Cassie calmed down and Jason did too and they rebonded. Dinner was good. It was chili mac. I didn't eat all of it either. I was trying to leave some food behind though I wanted to eat it all. LOL! At least I had enough self control to do that.
Finally I headed home and I stopped to get my mom her Mega lotto tickets only to find out that the lottery was over this week! Ugh!! I wasn't happy because I thought my mom said get them on the way home. Apparently I had misunderstood her and she said to get them on the way over. I fucked up. But when I got home and tried to explain it to her telling her I wish that she would have told me they were doing the numbers tonight. But she wouldn't hear anything. She was just pissed at me. Not that I couldn't see why. I had fucked things up, but still.
Anyway, that kind of ruined my night. The only thing that's kind of saved it is "A Christmas Carol" starring Patrick Stewart. It came on TNT and I have been dying to see this version for a couple of years. I'm glad I found it on.
Well, I am so tired and itchy. I really hate the rashes all over me and I hope with the cream they'll ease up by Monday. At least I can hope. But after the movie is over, I think I'm going to take my meds and go to sleep. Hopefully I'll sleep well. I also can't believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve! It's come so fast. What's funny is I thought it was still a couple of days away and then it dawned on me it was tomorrow!! WOW! It has come so fast!! I'm determined that this Christmas be a good one! Everything will blow over and I'm sure Christmas morning will be good. And that Christmas Eve will be good too.
Guess that's it for me. I am exhausted and my movie is over.
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