Today was another day I didn't do much except write and it was kind of nice to just write for fun. This fantasy story about James Bond and my character is going very well. I haven't had this much fun writing in a long time. And I've written my first sexual scene in even longer! LOL! No, not really, but it's been awhile. And thinking of my blond Bond with the blue eyes and great body . . . I hope I'm capturing his voice and essense. But either way, it does come down to fun.
I didn't wake up until about 3:00pm give or take. I remember my mom saying her and Diana were going somewhere with the neighbor, but I did finally get up. And started writing.
I didn't do much else. Jordan slept all day so I didn't go out and get sandwiches until he woke up. Then I went to Vons, got a sandwich for both of us (because my mom was really tired and didn't feel up for cooking). I also got us soda and because it was only $5 I got a Tiramisu bar cake. I can't bring it in until my mom and Diana go to bed.
Other than that I half watched the end of "Golden Eye" and "Die Another Day" - Yes James Bond movies, but not the right Bond. Though I'm considering putting one of the two movies on after "Haven" is over unless I actually go back to sleep. I'm pretty tired. But since I slept all day, I think I might be up all day. Plus my nose is giving me trouble at the moment. I don't know if my nose will stay clear enough for me to sleep. That sucks. But I am tired.
I do really want to finish this bond story, but not sure how I'll do it. This story might have another 10-12 pages before it's done. I need to have them go to Dunn's falls at the very least and decide what will be going on at the end. And I have to decide just how much of my life to put into it. Either way Kitty Langford is me. :-) And boy would it be wonderful to have a vacation where I was thin and with blond James Bond!
Okay, guess that's it for now. I know, not very interesting, but it is what it is. Tomorrow will probably be more of the same. :-)
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