Well, for the most part it was a good day. I got up early after not really sleeping last night. I just couldn't sleep. No matter how I tried. Then around 6:00am I started nodding on and off, but I had to be up by 9:15am. So as soon as the alarm went off I drank down a 5-hour energy, got dressed, tried to wake up Jordan. LOL! Took off for my appointment with my Pdoc at 10:00am or rather my new Pdoc. I can't remember his name. Anyway, on the way I stopped at McDonald's and got a Diet Dr. Pepper.
My new Pdoc is pretty nice and he has a kind face. In fact, he's kinda cute! LOL! :-) Anyway, we talked a little. I told him a bit of what was going on - about the situation I'm in and all that fun stuff. He seemed to like that I had a realistic view on my meds - that they can't fix everything. That situations can over-ride the medication. That's where I'm at.
After I got home, I made myself an iced coffee and ate some cottage cheese and my mom had me pick out a couple of things from Woman Within for my birthday - a PJ set and a pair of pants. Works for me! She then gave me money to get a bday card for myself from her. LOL! Go figure that one!
Nicole called me for my birthday and we talked for awhile. It was cool. The sad thing is she's in a bit of a depression. Wish I could help her out of it, but of course, I'm not much good at that since I'm struggling emotionally myself. But it was good talking with her.
I also worked on my "Michael" story and I FINISHED IT!! I don't think it's as good as my 007 story, but I think it worked. I need to decide what I'll write next. Of course, I didn't have time to edit because Jordan and I were going to go to Jason and Susan's for dinner. That might have been a mistake.
It was great to see Cassie and hug her. I have missed her so much. You know, Jason is so focused on what HE'S losing he never stopped to think what this whole situation has done to me from beginning to end. Anyway, dinner seemed easy enough, but I just had this feeling . . . after dinner I could see in Jason's attitude that he was going to start. I was trying to leave before he could, but I didn't leave fast enough. He started coming down on me about how I just want Cassie for the welfare. That I don't care about her happiness. All this bullshit that he pulled on me earlier in the week! And it was a slap in the face from the card he and Susan gave me with the note where they apologized for what happened and that they just hope things work out for everyone to be happy again. Well, that didn't work, did it? He couldn't keep his mouth shut. Jordan wanted to kick his teeth in. Jordan is very protective of me. I don't want him doing something like that, but it feels good that he cares that much about me. Jason has called and apologized on voicemail. He called my mom a couple of times, I guess. But I don't want to talk to him. He wants me to talk to him before they leave on their trip to San Francisco, but I don't know if I want to talk to him at all for a few days or maybe longer.
Anyway, after we left Jason and Susan's, we went to Walmart where I went and got "The Mechanic" and "The Delta Force,""The Delta Force 2," and "Code of Silence" which are all in the same box. I thought it was a cool trilogy so I grabbed it. I also grabbed a card. After that, I went to McDonald's to get drinks for Jordan and I. We then went to the gas station so I could put $20 in the tank. From there we went to Jack-in-the-Box. I got Jordan a burger and curly fries. I got myself a funnel cake. From there we went to Vons. I got myself a Gold Peak green tea and a strawberry Boston Cream Pie. I didn't really want it, but I bought it anyway. I'm sure I'll want it tomorrow. I was just so wound up over what Jason pulled that my stomach was upset. The Sprite I had helped a bit.
Well, once we got home, I got on here and I edited my "Michael" story. In fact, I called it "Destiny" which is kind of funny since in "Stargate: Universe" the ship was called Destiny. LOL! But it fit the story! I also posted it to the group. I added the note that I didn't think it was as good, but I think it's decent. I might be writing the next story about Captin Malcom Reynolds (Firefly). I'm going to run out of people at this rate! LOL!
Anyway, I had a pretty good day. I'm finishing it by watching "Haven" on SyFy then hopefully going to sleep. Sleep would be a good thing. So outside of Jason things were good. I even got a card from Cassie. :-)
Guess that's it. I am exhausted. All the caffine is wearing off. :-P So time for meds and bed.
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