Well, I have a good reason for not posting last night. I met Rick!! I think it was the start of a good thing. He was looking for a lover and I was looking for something or something to bring me back to life and he's done that. At least by this first meeting. He's not that greatest kisser, but he is good in bed. And he's caring. I'm not too into dirty talk, but he's not overly verbal and in I'm not very verbal at all. Well, some . . . Anyway, we didn't get together until around 11 or Midnight and I didn't get home until about 2:30am. We both talked too. He loves my laugh. He was exhausted though by the time we were done because he had flown back to San Diego from Toronto. I don't know whatelse he did that day, but I know the time difference must have been hitting hard. 3 Hours ahead of here. Plus he had a meeting this morning and for me last night I was pretty wound up and had a hard time sleeping. Rather than wear me down it perked me up! LOL! Then I had trouble with my legs which sometimes happens. I don't think I fell asleep until about 5:00am. Of course, I had to wake up at 9:15am to take my mother to a doctor's appointment.
I waited for her at Walmart at the McDonald's. I grabbed a Sausage Biscuit with an Xtra large Diet Dr. Pepper. I know, what a combo! :-) I was so tired when I started reading "King Arthur" by Norma Lorre Goodrich. I have read it five or six times. I didn't want to start anything else when I was going to get "Passion" by Lauren Kate. Anyway, I was also bad and bought razor blades. Call it a strange security blanket. I also bought some bologna. My mom gave me the money for it, but I used the last of the money on my food card and used the money for the razors.
I picked up my mom and she wanted to go to the 99 cent store. She wanted lemons. When we got there, I didn't see any so I asked this guy who worked there if there were lemons and he was nice enough to go into the back and bring out two boxs of bags of lemons. My mom grabbed 5 of them, I think. Plus some limes and some other stuff like zucchini. I was glad to get home at first. Then my mom had said something about my money coming in. So I checked the recipt and sure enough my money had come in!! So I got Jordan. We went to Taco Bell for lunch. Then headed to Walmart - I got "Passion" and my own copy of "Fallen" plus "Burn Notice: Season 4" and I also got Jordan two books to read - "Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade" and then a "Star Wars" book. I'm just glad he wanted books to read!! I also got a DVD called "The Warrior's Way" and I got a new memory card for the camera for when I run out of room with the other. Also got some 5-hour Energy. I also picked up some stuff for Diana - Non-fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, milk 2% . . . They didn't have the Truvia she wanted though.
After Walmart we stopped at the Vet to get Flea Killer for Karissa. I forgot what it was called, but it's like SafeGuard or something. It was supposed to work within 30 minutes. Since we put it on here, I haven't seen her scratching which is WONDERFUL!! She was starting to get pretty scabbed up again. Then we took then dairy items home. From there we went to Albertson's to get the Truvia. I got water and soda. It was $1 for a 2 lt. From there we went to Kahoots for goldfish for Mr. Crabbs and then put gas in the fuel tank of the car. When we got home I was definitely ready to be there. Jordan and I snacked on some powdered donettes I'd gotten too while we watched "The Warrior's Way." It was actually pretty good and not a totally unhappy ending. It was stylized and it was definitely enjoyable.
I was just getting on the computer after that when my mom said that they had dinner for us. Something I was not expecting!! We got lamb, fried zucchini and rose potatoes. It was so good!! It was a really nice treat and Diana had cooked the lamb. Lately she hasn't done anything for us because of her attitude. But I guess me not hesitating to get her stuff changed her tune a little bit.
Then I got on the laptop, posted on my "I'm not Fat! I'm Fluffy!" group on Cafemom. Called Nicole and called Rick . . . I am so tired!! LOL! Anyway, I watched "Billy the Exterminator" - In fact I'm watching the new one now. I also watched something on Killer Shark Attacks! Something called Black December from Durbin, South Africa back in the 50's. It was really striking to watch. I mean, it was re-enactments, but still.
Anyway, it has been a good day. I feel good. It's going to suck tomorrow when I'm broke again, but at least I emotionally feel better. Hopefully it lasts. Now I need to finish watching Billy, taking my meds and going to sleep! LOL! I definitely need it!
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