I'm writing this blog earlier than usually because I don't feel so great. I was fantastic this morning. Even after not getting enough sleep. I took a 5hour Energy and it was great! Perked me up. Kept me steady. But I also drank coffee and I'm wondering if the combination wasn't a good one. It didn't happen until after the second coffee though so maybe next time I take a 5hour energy I'll go easy on the coffee and see what happens. But also I've been more emotional today - more this afternoon. I had to cancel going over to Jason and Susan's for dinner. My mom had made a Sheppherd's pie and if I'd gone she would have been upset with me. But then I was worried that Jason was mad at me. I think he is, but he won't say it and I felt HORRIBLE that I missed a chance to see Cassie. Especially because last night I was kind of depressed after she left. Between feeling a little anxious, a little depressed and my stomach hurting I just feel really off. But I can't say I'm seriously depressed or anxious. It's just annoying enough for me to know it's there.
Of course, even Jordan felt off. I woke him at 6:30am and because he didn't feel very good, he went to bed at like 5:30pm. I just hope he's not getting sick.
I did get some good stuff done today. I cleaned up a lot of my room - at least where the biggest mess was. I just have a bag and a box that I need to figure out what to do with, but I was just happy that I have gotten most of the trash out. That my room looks more like a room now, rather than a dump. Tomorrow I'll tackle the bed, I think. Maybe I'll get to my corner. Though I have to say my corner really isn't too terrible actually. I can get to everything and it doesn't look too bad. So we'll see . . .
Another good thing about today is I got some writing done! I also did research about being a wedding planner for my character. I talked to a very nice woman named Laura who was kind enough to answer all my questions. I think now I can get a handle on what my character's going to go through, though I don't think she'll be as busy as Laura! LOL! So that's gone well and I might even get another calendar for my character to set out her schedule as a reference so it's realistic. Soon I'll need to bring in some creepy stuff - stalkerish stuff. I'll have to think on what to do. Just has to be stuff that's unsettling. Maybe like someone's been in her house. Nothing's been taken. Just a couple of things moved. Maybe . . .
Anyway, I'm feeling a little better at the moment. I am exhausted, but I only got about four-five hours of broken sleep. I guess that would make anyone feel off just that. But it's different for me since I have stayed up 36-48 hours straight and not get like this. But being on my period and having PMS well, guess that just makes for a feeling off day.
Other than that, the only other thing I did today was take my mom to a dental appointment. She ended up needing as filling and they called me to tell me. I asked how long it was going to take and I was thining an hour and a half for everything or something. Nope, they tell me 30-40 minutes. Man, I had my book "The Bone Garden" and just read. In fact, she could have stayed longer and I wouldn't have minded with how much I was into the book. I might do a little more reading before "Dirty Jobs" though I'm wondering if I'll make it through the new one. I am so exhausted. I hope sleep won't be a problem tonight, though I don't have a good track record with it. All I can do is take my night meds, try to relax and hopefully drift to sleep.
Okay, that's enough for now. Tomorrow will be another day and hopefully this feeling will be gone.
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