Today has been a strange day, I guess. I woke up late once again. I have to break myself of that though I'll be sleeping a little late tomorrow, or I guess I should say today since it's well after midnight. But it's been a relatively decent day.
I woke up. Had an early dinner. Talked with my mom for awhile. My mother made a cake with some killer icing. It was sooooooo good! I could have eaten the whole cake all by myself! LOL! My mom has been more than a little irritated and Jordan and I have been sleeping a lot, but Jordan is going to try to stay awake until at least 5:00pm. That way his schedule will start to normalize for when he goes back to school. As for me, sooner or later I'm just going to have to force myself to wake up early and just deal with how tired I get. It's the only way to change a bad sleeping pattern, at least for me.
After dinner, I just watched some TV. I also played on Facebook and uploaded some pix there. I even uploaded pix to Picasa which I hadn't done in ages. In fact, I was so productive I worked on my story!! I told myself I was going to spend some time writing and I did. I got maybe about 3/4 of a page written. I'm still trying to work out a few bumps in my idea, but we'll see what happens as the story progresses. I'm just glad I was able to get some done. It reminds me that I still have my gift for writing, even though I lack the confidence I used to have. I'm hoping that will come back in time. After all, I have ideas and what I might be able to do. I don't know though. I just don't have that belief in myself like I used to.
One of the shows I watched was "Worst Cooks in America" and then "Cupcake Wars". Sunday night is my Food Network night. Usually I watch "Iron Chef American," but today it wasn't on. Then at midnight Jordan and I went to Walmart. I just wanted snacks. I know I shouldn't, but I was looking forward to it. Also I wanted to get a b-day card for Greg which I got. I'm over last night and his cruel joke. He was sorry he'd done it and didn't even know why he had. Of course, he'd been drinking so maybe that caused his lack of judgment. But one of the things I got was a DVD. I am so addicted to getting DVDs - and I have so many I want to get!! Plus having Jordan with me pushed me to get it. It was a movie we both have been wanting to see - "The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day." Then on the way home we stopped at Jack in the Box. We were both starving. Burger and tacos for me. He got a burger and a chocolate shake. And of course, as soon as we got home we put on the movie.
The movie rocked! Both of us thought so and they set it up for a third installment. I think I heard somewhere that they were doing a third one. I hope they do. It was sad that they killed off two of the characters, but it fit with the course of the story so they were reasonable within the story.
I can say that there is one positive thing that's really come from Cassie not being here all the time. Jordan and I have spent more time together. He's come with me to Walmart and we've watched movies together. Just spending time together and that's probably something we've both needed. So I guess there are good things. Doesn't mean I don't miss her like crazy though.
Well, it's almost 4:00am so I need to try to sleep. Tomorrow will be another day and hopefully a good one. Keep a positive attitude, right? :-)
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