I have had a very long day. It's been a pretty good day, but a long one none the less. Though I didn't fall asleep until after 1:00am, I was awake at 6:30am like I said I'd do. I got Jordan up for school, took my 5-hour energy, got coffee and then waited for Cassie. She was supposed to go to school, but she wasn't feeling well. In fact, it was her stomach again. However, Jason and Susan took Cassie to Children's Urgent Care for me because I had a therapy appointment anyway, it turns out Cassie has Sinusitis and an ear infection. All the crap dripping down her throat into her stomach was causing the stomach trouble. Originally I was going to call her doctor and make an appointment and take her in myself. I was going to shoot for an afternoon appointment. The office was supposed to open at 8:30am. But I called for 10 minutes an NO ONE answered. I didn't get a person, voice mail or anything! And because of the time, I had to put it off so I could make it to my water aerobics class. It was very frustrating and pissed me off big time.
Anyway, I did make it to the gym and to my class. This time the class was definitely more of a work-out. In fact, I'm starting to feel it a bit. But I also did my extra 30 minutes of laps too. Then I hit the spa and then the shower. It was after that I finally called the doctor's office again only to find out that they were now booked up. All that left me was Children's Urgent Care.
On the way home I stopped at the store. I was famished!! I hadn't had anything other than coffee so not only did I get milk and cereal that we needed but I also got a cheesy pizza lunchable. It was the first one I've had in at least two years, I think. Maybe more. It was pretty good considering how hungry I was. I scarfed it down rather quickly. I also got water which I needed too since I forgot to take water with me to the gym.
When I got home I got to spend time with Cassie. I let her play on the computer for awhile why I watched. Then my mom made some ramen noodles for Cassie and I. Then I got onto the computer for awhile. Originally Cassie was going to stay with me well into the evening because Jason and Susan were supposed to go to Disneyland, but they didn't and that's when they took her to Urgent Care for me.
I left about 4:15pm to head to my therapist. I went to get a diet Dr. Pepper from McDonald's and then I was supposed to get fuel, but when I drove by the gas station it was completely packed. Though I was down to 27 miles to empty, I pushed it. I made it there and found a gas station that was cheaper. I went there after my therapy appointment. At least I got a little more fuel than I would have gotten otherwise.
Therapy was good. I did a lot of talking about everything. I've actually been okay emotionally for the most part. I don't think I'm ever completely out of depression, but honestly I have been feeling pretty good. I'm just wondering if I should go to the gym tomorrow too. I might depending on how sore I am. I really like the class in the mornings and it would be something for my ass to get up for. Plus it's good for me. And anything that can help boost my mood . . . in fact, I think one of the reasons the 5-hour energy works so well and lifts my mood is because of all the B vitamins in it. I remember reading somewhere that B vitamins were a mood booster for people with depression. I can say it's worked for me! I just need to get more of those.
Well, other than that, not a lot else going on. I did a little writing today. Not much, but I got about half a page. It's better than none. My mind is working through some of the things that aren't quite as clear as they could be yet. But it's coming along. That's all I can say. My goal is at least half a page a day so at the moment I'm right on track.
Dinner was hot dogs. I know, how fantastic! LOL! But it got the job done. Plus my mother made pineapple upside-down cakes. OMG!! They are so good! I ate two pieces and in all honesty I could eat a whole cake by myself! But I'm going to be good and not get anymore tonight. Now I'm watching the premiere of "Ghost Hunters" and then I think I'm crashing. I am sooooooo tired. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight without too much difficulty. I think I might get lucky this time. LOL!
Tomorrow is sure to be a pretty good day too, I think. Maybe I'll get more writing done. I am not sure it's very good, but as long as I'm writing . . . I mean, that's the point at the moment. Just to keep writing. It's still not coming as easy as it used to, but at least it's coming. It's better than being stuck in the mud.
Okay, that's it. Time for bed . . . goodnight!
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