Well, the exchanging to emails with the gruesome twosome finally stopped after Nicole got one final email that threatened there would be pix posted on the net. Even if there weren't any pix to post, that's a threat and against the law. It's the same threats I was getting for her in the emails I was getting (Oh Kenny is so mad he's threatening to post the pictures of her kissing his dad . . .) Well, she didn't even kiss him, but the emails were also getting aggrivating I guess. Anyway, she called the sheriff and the sheriff calls Comatos Dean's phone - Denise answered!! She hung up on the officer too saying they had the wrong number. But he called back and had a chat with her. She apparently said we had been harassing her. Well . . . I kept every email so . . . But anyway, I haven't heard from her since and it's probably for the best - though I still have my MySpace fake blog and it's been interesting. I'm having loads of fun with that!
Anyway, Cassie had her party last week at Embassy Suites and for the most part it was a wonderful party! There were, however, two little girls that were acting up and I ended up sending them home. In 17 years I have NEVER had to send a kid home from a party. Anyway, because the boys were getting a ride back from one of the mothers the boys had to go too. They were rowdy, but not really that bad. They could have stayed a little longer.
Well, after those kids left and we only had Katie, Melissa, Samantha and Alicia, the party was fantastic! The girls spent most of the time swimming and then Elevator tag was great. Cassie got mostly Littlest Pet Shop so the girls all played that for awhile. So late that when they finally went to watch Wall-E that Cassie fell asleep shortly after it started! LOL! The next day was breakfast and more swimming! I tell you, I was so exhausted that I was asleep before 8pm and slept for a good 17 hours. Both Cassie and I woke up with sore throats so I let her stay home. After 17 hours of sleep though, we both felt better! LOL! I got a great photo of Cassie blowing out the candles on her cake. As soon as I can get the pix on a DVD-Rom, I'll be posting it. In fact, I'll just post the party pix!
Then on Wednesday was my son Jordan's official 17th birthday! He didn't really care about me fixing any big dinner, but I did make him a cake! I made him a chocolate cherry cake with chocolate frosting. Greg came over so that he could take Jordan to cash his check from his grandparents, use the Gamestop gift card that I got him and a little money Greg was willing to kick in to get the video game he wanted - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Anyway, Greg took this incredible pic of Jordan blowing out the candles and the candles are almost all the way out. It was awesome. But he has to give me that photo yet. It is a good one though. so it's just another I want to post and can't at the moment. LOL!
Cassie went in for a flu shot yesterday and ended up getting three other shots - booster for menegitis, Tetnus and gardisil. She still needs a booster for chicken pox which I might remember the doctor when she goes in for a physical. As it is, I need to take Jordan in for a physical and he's going to need a whole series of shots too. And I have an appointment for a physical on Monday - finally. I kept putting it off, so I finally decided to bite the bullet and just do it or I wasn't going to. So we'll see what the doctor has to say.
And lastly, tomorrow is Jordan's birthday party! It's not going to be anything big. He didn't want anything big. He wanted just some friends over. But NOT here. Can't blame him with my mother and Diana being even worse some days. So we're having it over at Jason and Susan's. What's so nice is that they're getting him some pizzas and a cake! Yay! Or I would be making one. And other than that, the kids are just going play video/pc games. Boys are not hard to please really. LOL!
Tonight though, it looks like we might have to take Cassie in to urgent care to get a stupid Doctor's note. I can't wait for tomorrow and the doctor never called me back - or rather the nurse. Having to get a doctor's note each time is a real pain in the ass. They just want her in that seat no matter how horrible she feels. At least the good thing tonight is that I get to see Atlantis tonight. It sucks though, because they're not going to renew the series. They're going to send it to movies like they did SG-1. Well, they only did 2 movies for SG-1! That wasn't enough. Who knows what they'll do for Atlantis . . . Hopefully at least 2. But we'll see.
Anyway, just a lot of ups and downs. Life gets crazy! All we can do is keep going - NEXT! Moving On!!
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