Okay, I'm almost 40 and the last thing I should be doing is playing around like I'm in Junior High. You might be thinking, "Well, it's good to stay young!" NOT like this! LOL! Basically the friend I had a falling out with is out of the hospital - halfway house or whatever. Turns out some of it might have been a lie anyone - Her soon-to-be Ex turned out to be quite the freak actually.
Anyway, last Friday or Saturday, I get an email, from their son:
Hi Lilly,
I was wondering if your still mad at my mom? The reason I'm asking is because right now she really needs your friendship. But I know that your not intrested into ever speaking to her.
I thought you should know that aunt Nicole started dating our dad after everything happened to mom Aunt Nicole played with oiur dad's heart and he tried to take his life because of Aunt Nicole. He is on a ventilator and the father i knew is dead and the Dean you used to know is gone.
Nicole promised me if things ever went bad no matter what she would take me in. I emailed her a few days ago and she has not responded so she has shown me her true colors.
I do have a question for you And I want you to think about something, I have a feeling that someone set out to distory your long term friendship by telling you lies about each other and getting you to stop writing the book with mom I'm not saying names but that person really wanted you both to be hurt and then she could make you both beleve that she really cared.
You know how to reach mom if you ever want to try and patch things up. I think the way i feel about you all is blown way out of proportion. We have been home from the safe house for a few days now. The house seems very empty without my dad.
One more thing in closing I have learned that my family seemed safe and secure and I think Nicole destroyed that because of her own family failure not once but twice. I cannot believe the way she manipulated my dad and your friendship with my mom.
Love Kenneth
Here was my Response:
Hey Kenny,
To be honest, it's good to hear from you. I've been worried sick about you and your sister. I have never wanted anything but the best for both of you. Somewhere along the way, I think it was forgotten by what was said about me. Still, I have NEVER stopped caring about either of you.
Also Jordan and Cassie have missed you both - even if Heather thought Cassie was a bit spoiled. But the best kids sometimes are.
Anyway, I really don't have any trouble being friends with your mother against except for two things. Well, maybe three things. 1) I don't know if I can trust that things I tell her or write her won't get back to John - my Ex husband - since she is in contact with him now. 2) I will NOT work on the book with her under any circumstances. Personally, no one made me stop writing with her. I do not have the same passion about the book that she does. It's her book. I tried, but to be honest, I have so much more going on in my life that I just can't put my heart into someone else's project. I tried to explain that to her (and yes, I didn't like the way she was treating you or your sister). Yes, I might have been told one thing, but that one thing wasn't the deciding factor for me. It was merely the last straw. The rest I had seen and heard myself. I am not so easily lead. If you think so, then you still have more to learn about your aunt. :-) But the thing is, if your mom had been a friend, she would have understood. Of course, I also recognize the fact that she was in an obsessive state with the bipolar and histrionic personality disorder which is why I would be open to being friends. Sometimes these things can't be helped. I understand being bipolar myself. :-P I just will not work on that book ever again. 3) And this one is something that I guess I will have to explain a little to you as well. I won't deal with any attempts to poison my mind about other friends. And yes, I do mean Nicole.
Kenny, I need to explain something to you. While your dad was getting together with Nicole I was hearing about it every day. She made it clear to him that friendship was all she could handle. It was your father that made way more out of it than what was there. I won't debate it, but having heard every day about it I have a good idea of the truth of the matter. I also know Nicole a lot better than you do. Anyway, I don't know what else I can say. I know you will believe your parents as any good kid should. But it's the truth as I know it. If I had been hearing from Nicole once a week or something, I could maybe say that she was lying - though I know better. But every day? Why would anyone call me and lie every day? Not even someone really diabolical would go out of their way to lie. It's too easy to get caught that way.
I am sorry to hear about your father. He should have sought some real help. When someone takes their life, it is because their coping skills were not able to compensate for the stress and pain in their life. But when someone has kids they have a duty to seek help before it gets that far. It's why I always end up at the hospital or a crisis house. I have to think of where Cassie and Jordan would end up otherwise.
But tell me, are you and your sister okay? Where are you guys now? Who are you staying with? If you want to stay here, I might be able to do something about that. It would take a lot of convincing, but maybe. I do want to be there for you. That's what I've wanted since the beginning was just to help - at least where it came to you guys. Other than that, I needed my space from that book. But make no mistake that it was your mother that ended our friendship because of the book. It wasn't because of anything else. If it wasn't, then how could I know she was going to react the way she did to me? Anyway, that's really here nor there now. And it doesn't involve you. Guess I'm just writing out my thoughts.
If you want, please keep in touch. Let me know how you are doing and let me know if you want to come visit. I wish I could say that I could pick you up. Unfortunately, I no longer have a car. But I'm still here at my mother's.
Jordan would love to talk with you. I'd love to hear from you too. If you want, you can call: XXX-XXX-XXXX. It's the same number as always.
You know, if I thought I could trust your mom and that she was really open to being friends I would reach out. But I think maybe the ball has to be in her court and I have to know that I can trust her not to chat with John. I don't know if I can. But if she wants to reach me, she can do it the same way you did, or she can email one of my other accounts. I just think it needs to be her that reaches out. However, I'm open to the idea, but she'd have to convince me about John.
Anyway, I think I have said my peace. I love you, kid. I always have. That has never changed once through all of this. I hope you contact me back. Btw, what hospital is your dad at? I am not being morbid, but how did he attempt it? Only because I'm curious what the doctor said about his prognosis . . . Will he recover? And maybe Greg can take me up there to visit . . . I don't know. But I understand what he was feeling. Still, I wish he would have thought about you kids first.
Okay, well . . . with the holidays coming things are crazy. Would you want to come over for Jordan's birthday? We're having his party on November 22nd here at the house. It's not going to be much. Just some friends, cake, sleep over . . . video games. LOL! That's what you boys do all night, right?
Cassie's bday party is on the 15th. It's going to be at the Embassy Suites again and if Heather wants to come, she would be more than welcome.
Well, guess I've rambled on long enough now. You know how to reach me if you want. I'm here for you.
Love you,
Aunt Lilly
Okay, I suspicious from the moment the email was sent. I wanted to believe it, but there was something in my gut that told me my chain was being yanked. So I was also going fishing, if you noticed. As I said, I was talking to Nicole almost every day. Dean spun his own version of the truth all the time apparantly - more than either of us realized and we started to wonder if HE doesn't have some kind of mental illness too! Not sure what though. It doesn't seem like bipolar. Though I could be wrong. I'm only really aware of my own symptoms and such. But I think it's more or different than that.
Anyway, I got a response from Kenny:
Hi Lilly,
I got your message. As far as mom talking to john she never spoke to him but one time then she wound up in jail. The last two months she has had no way to get to a computer. She does not even have a my space account anymore and thats been awhile.
My dads parents are here and it's more then i can handle. They have got him dead before he is. Last i had heard he was showing signs of improvement. They have partial custody of us untill my mom is fully released from the doctor. they want us to finish growing up in oregon.
Looks like we might come out on the loosing end because my dads parents hate My mom with a passion.
Just between you and i. i have my dads journals that explain a lot of different things that happened with nicole. It was all good before the end and i want to share them with you both someday. Pray my dad does not wake up because he may share them with tim and the photos. I don't want to sound mean but that is why i am keeping my mouth shut. Deans mom has been looking for them. They are safely tucked away.
Take care Lilly,
Now, there were a few signs in this email that immediately got my attention. 1) he avoided my question about where his father was and instead jumped into Nicole. By the way, there are no photos. There never were. If there was a journal, it was about Dean's fantasies about them, which he admitted to her anyway and 2) he refers to his grandmother as Dean's mother . . . Uh . . . Okay? Would you call your grandmother your father's name's mother? It was just really, really strange and so I ended up not completely buying it and so went on another fishing expedition.
Hey Kenny,
Why don't you give me a call and we can talk. I would love to talk to you. I would also like to go see your father. Maybe take some flowers to him or something. What happened anyway? Do the doctors think he'll recover? Plus, I think I'd like to see those photos and his journal. As you said, it might explain a lot.
My offer still stands if you want to come visit Jordan for his bday. Or really if you just want to visit too. All you have to do is call and I'll see what I can do, though you might have to catch a bus to me since I can't drive at the moment. But I would to see you and I know Jordan would too; very much.Anyway, sorry about your grandparents. You and your sister should have had a say and wouldn't your mother have to agree that they can take you out of the state? As long as they don't have full custody of you, that should be the case. I could be wrong.
Well, you can let you mom know she can contact me. I won't jump on her. It will be like nothing happened, except that I won't work on the book every again. As far as Nicole . . . I have to see this stuff you have before I can make a determination. It's just how I am. Did your mom delete her myspace account? Not that I can't check. I just don't have one anymore and would rather not. I just need to know that she won't talk to John. Period.
Anyway, please call and let me know how you're doing and if you want to come visit. We'd love to see you.Please stay in touch.
Take care.
Love you kid,
Aunt Lilly
Well, just because I always check what I can when something seems suspicious, I decided to check out Kenny's MySpace page! Guess what?? His mood said he was Excited and his sister's said she was Happy!! LOL! Now, if my father were in the hospital, almost dead and on a ventilator, I don't think I would be happy or excitied! Also, I decided to check his friends page and guess who DOES have a MySpace page?? Yep, his mom . . . Anyway, of course, I had to reply to that.
Hey Kenny,
Just thought I'd write you another quick message and hope you have time to respond. I decided to check out your myspace page and I found your mother's page. I would just ask that you don't lie to me again. Now I really can't trust that she won't tell what I say to her to John. I want to be able to trust her. I would have actually liked to have patched things us, but I have to wonder just what is really going on. I would really like to know the truth. Because if this is just some game, I would be so sad. I have never stopped loving you or your sister. In fact, I never stopped loving your mom like a sister. But I can't play games.
If you're serious and not playing games with me, please don't lie to me again. Just be straight. It hurts to think that you would lie and play games with me. I have never done that to you. I have NEVER done that with your mother, regardless of what she might think.
I still wish you the best and if you still want to call or come for a visit, you're welcome to. Just be honest with me. No games. Okay?
Love you,
Aunt Lilly
Well, surprise surprise I have NEVER heard back again! LOL! I even wrote to him on his MySpace and asked how he was and if his dad was still on the ventilator. LOL! I even wrote to Denise and I told her that I heard Dean was on a Ventilator and that I still cared about here (which I really do) and that I would be there for her if she needed me! LOL! NOTHING!
Anyway, I went one step further and created a MySpace page again - it's how I wrote to Kenny on MySpace, but it's really just a dummy page. I mean, some of the blog will be real and some of it will just be totally fake. I mean, I had my chain yanked and even though this is so Junior High, I am yanking theirs. In fact, I wrote to Kenny in the hopes he'd show his mom, so she'd visit the blog and maybe even get my Ex to visit the blog! Either way, I'm going to keep it up. I have a WHOLE storyline plotted for it! And who knows, they might never read it, but I have a feeling I'll have an avid audience! LOL!
Okay, that's my ramble about being thrown back into Junior High. I think it's hilarious for the most part, but I do have to admit that dealing with these people do raise my anxiety level. Still . . . I'm not willing to just walk away after having my leg pulled like that. They deserve a bit of what was dished out!
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