I can say amazing because, personally . . . I have never been very much into politics. I mean, I care about the prositions and I do my best to vote every year on things I think matter, though I admit that I probably need to do more research to ensure I DO make the right decisions. But what I can say is? Life gets busy and sometimes all I have is what I've seen, what I've heard and the information in the booklet. But as far as the candidates goes, I usually don't even vote or if I do, I pick someone I know won't win. I am an American Independant, but for me that means independant in thought and not really Independant, I guess. And for the most part I vote Democrat. That's who I am mostly. I will tell you that for me it was a difficult decision. Not because I had a problem with Obama being black. In fact, I thought that was great, but that's not why you vote for someone. McCain wasn't really looking toward a future I could see and that could help me and the future of my kids. I saw McCain and someone very likely to raise taxes more in the middle class people rather than the rich . . . And one of the things that really did touch me about Obama was that he reached out, not JUST to voters, but to ALL ages! I mean, he appeared on Nickalodean! He is reaching out to the little kids! Yeah, they're going to be voters some day, but maybe not when he's in office! It's like he's trying to inspire the young kids to start thinking about politic and the future of our country and to learn to take that responsibility early. Even tonight, my daughter was more interested in the elections than she was about almost anything else (except playing with her friend for awhile, of course! LOL!). It was great!
And the thing that impressed me most about BOTH candidtates were their speeches. I wrote for a living so words are so very important to me. Personally, I have been moved by very few speeches in my time by politicians. I never feel there's very much truth in them. But when McCain consceded defeat, his speech was one of the BEST I have ever heard. He said he was happy for Obama which is pretty standard, but wanted to help him in any way he could. His words were sincere and even with politicians you can usually tell if you watch them, if it's the truth or not and the man spoke from his heart. He really wants everyone to work toward the goal of unity and to work to heal what's ailing the country.
For Obama, his speech was so inspiring . . . heartfelt . . . heart lifting! At the same time, he too thanked McCain. He is looking forward to working with him in the future, even if they might differ. His promises to listen to the people and be was HONEST in the fact that what was wrong was not going to be fixed over night. FINALLY SOMEONE THAT TELLS THE TRUTH! Because it will be a long hard road to fix what's wrong. We need to all understand that it will take time and the way he said it was just one that made you think that it could happen. As he said, "Yes, we can!" The story of the woman who went to votw who was 106 years old was incredible and he went through what she'd lived through. And how he spoke about those who helped him and his wife and kids. I LOVED the comment to the girls about earning the puppy that was coming with them to the white house. Being a mother, that just made me smile.
For Obama's tone and presence, I got the feel he was inline with JFK. Could we be looking at a JFK that can inspire the country and make things move forward in unpresidented ways? I never thought we'd see another JFK, but after tonight I think we might. I look forward to the coming term as a ride that will not be forgotten and I can only wonder where it will take us. But either way, it's going to be just that . . . a ride . . . one that will bring growth and hopefully unity. As one man said tonight, if you look at it as a victory for black Americans then you're looking at it wrong. It's a victory for EVERYONE! In the civil rights movement it wasn't just rights for black people. They wanted rights for EVERYONE who were not being treated fairly. Having Obama elected was because he was the best man for the job . . . If anyone can pull this country together, I believe it's him.
I hate discussing politics, but I was just so moved . . . what a night!
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