Well, the SARB thing actually went okay. I think I threw everyone off by giving everyone at the meeting that letter. I just walked in and said, "Before we get started, I'd like to hand these out." Most everyone at the table started reading it immediately. I couldn't believe that Sherry Maldonado was at that meeting! I was so ticked off! Though I am a calm and rational person, I did have the urge to beat her. Good thing my calm and rational side always wins out! LOL! Greg was however very proud of how I handled it, and the few people that read the letter, before I'd taken it to the meeting, thought it was very good. I think because of it, the woman that's supposed to do the "these are the rules and consequences" cut it short and went straight to the "what can we do to help . . ." That gave me a lot of confidence and I actually felt that I was being listened to. And the doctor they had there was VERY, VERY nice. He's a very cool guy. Basically, I told them how I had her in therapy now and that I had also made an appointment for her to be evaluated with a psychiatrist and this was BEFORE the meeting. So I think that was in my favor too, because a lot of her stomach aches, I'm pretty sure were stress. Anyway, they'll make conscessions for her in regards to her health yet try to keep her at school. That's fine with me, but I stressed over and over again that they had to have the teacher remind her to use her hand sanitizer several times a day. I mean, that alone should keep her from getting as sick as she has. All I know is that at least one thing was pointed out to Sherry Maldonado in my letter by the School Police officer that was there. I would LOVE to know what that was. LOL! Since I really laid into her. She deserved it! Plus, since she's made my life miserable, I'm going to do what I planned to do at the end of the school year last year. The only reason I didn't was because I was told that she was going to be fired. Not just her personally, but all the counselors. Anyway, I am going to write a formal complaint and give it to the school. I'm also going to make copies and see who I can sent it to at the School District Offices because I want her questioned and under a microscope and see how she likes it! I swear to you, that woman has no business being a school counselor, especially at an elementary school!! It makes me think of my sister Diana trying to be a School Counselor. *shudder*
Oh, looks like I'm going to get a pretty good Digital camera!! I am so excited! Jason won a new one from work at some kind of event and they're going to give me their old one! I have been wanting a real digital camera for a long time. And the cards for this one are relatively cheap and they hold tons of photos! So I'm VERY happy!

This week Cassie got to kind of go to Horse Camp. It was a special thing for 5th graders through the school. It's awesome! They got to ride horses, but also, they got to take care of their horse! Cassie had a beautiful American Paint Horse (so I was told . . . I wish I could see it but they won't allow anyone to take a camera . . . bummer . . .). She brushed it, washed it, cleaned out the stall . . . learned to saddle the horse even and she loves every minute of it. It almost makes me wish I could get her a horse . . . if she'd keep taking care of it. LOL! Not like that's going to happen. Or I wish the program lasted all year. But unfortunately today is the last day.
Then her school Halloween Carnival is this saturday. Though she earned a lot of tickets with turning in box tops to them, Jason and Susan are giving her $20 to use too! I thought that was fantastic! She's going to have a great time, I think. As for Jordan, his grades are starting to slip again. Not sure what I'm going to do about him. The prom doesn't seem to be enough to motivate him anymore nor this trip to Disneyland that Susan's mom wants to take the kids on, but ONLY if he has good grades! I don't have to worry about Cassie. She always gets good grades. It's a 5 day trip too. But we'll see what happens. Maybe he'll pull it together. I'm going to have to start calling his teachers and see what can be done to help him though. It just discourages me. He's 17 . . . I thought maybe he was finally taking his schooling seriously since he got over a 2.0 last semester . . . but whatever motivated him seems to have slipped into the mists . . .
On another note too, I managed to get a new Doctor for Jordan. I couldn't see sending him to see a woman. Thought that might be embarrassing for a 17 year old boy. I also managed to get an appointment for Cassie to see an optomitrist. She's been needing glasses for years. I did a lot in a short period of time yesterday. I even worked a little on my book! I was beginning to wonder if I'd even be able to work on it again! Unfortunately, I still haven't heard from the nurse about my sleeping medication. The insurance is being difficult, but being bipolar and not sleeping isn't a very good thing . . . I need something to help me sleep normally, or as normally as I can. I don't want to go into an episode just because I couldn't sleep and have been under undue amounts of stress. That would be a bad thing!

Anyway, that's the rant for the day!
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