Well, for me it's the end of the year rush and it's becoming busier that usual with appointments. I have an eye exam appointment on Tuesday. I already know I need glasses. I have been needing them for years. I guess taking Cassie in finally pushed me to make an appointment for myself.
Then on the 6th I have a pdoc appointment. Cassie has a pdoc appointment for assessment on the 10th and then I have a parent-teacher conference for Cassie on the 17th. Nothing like being busy!
Plus Jason and Susan are going out of town for 10 days and we are watching the cats. Somehow Greg needs to get his van fixed since his stupid father has hit it twice with his car . . . Idiot. He REALLY shouldn't be driving. I mean, once could be an accident, you know? But TWICE??? Yeah . . . He shouldn't be driving PERIOD! Because of that the passenger side door won't open so I have to sit in the back. It makes Greg feel like a chauffer and I can't blame him! It's nuts to have to do that.
Oh and Cassie is running for Fire Marshal at her school! We made posters Sunday night - two of them. Then Tuesday night we made badges for her to hand out. It was a lot of work, but she got to hand them out today. It's a good thing because tomorrow she won't be at school. She has a field trip to the Science Center. Then on Friday she gives her speech!
Then, of course, we have the kids bdays coming up. Cassie's is going to be at the Embassy Suites again. The guy Jason works for is going to do the same thing for her again this year that he did last year; free movies for the night and send up free food! Is that not sweet?? Jordan will just have some friends over to spend the night. Not many . . . maybe two or three. They will stay in Jordan's room mostly playing his video games! Like who didn't know that?? LOL! I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving . . . Soon it will be Christmas and a whole new year . . . Frightening. LOL! Ah well . . . Busy, busy, busy!!
Thought I'm tired, guess there's no real rest in sight! LOL! No rest for the wicked I guess! ;-P
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