. . . just kept wanting more information about a friend screwing up their life because you just can't believe it? It's like a car crash you see and can't stop. You have to look. I think human minds are programmed that way. Maybe to warn us of what might happen in the future . . . who knows. But I have to admit that with everything else going on in my world, it's a break to focus on someone else's screw-ups for awhile. Maybe that makes me a bad person. I don't know . . . But when I found out my friend had abused her kids over that stupid writing project of hers (and it's not even good), I was just floored. The way I feel about people that abuse kids, I'm glad she's going to jail; that CPS is involved; that a restraining order has been filed against her so she can't go near the kids again without getting thrown back into jail after she gets out and that she's losing her apartment, and I hope that means she loses that stupid computer along with it.
I am writer. I have written since I was 12 years old . . . and the day one of my books becomes more important than I kids I really, honestly hope someone SHOOTS me, because at that point, I wouldn't deserve to live. NO ONE that abuses kids deserves to have a good life and she can't claim it's because she's mentally ill either. I am mentally ill! I am bipolar, but I do what I have to, to keep it in check!! And when I feel I'm slipping, I try to get myself help!! I think she's too busy blaming everyone else around her for what's happening in her life other than herself.
And what bothers me even more is that her guy pal had the nerve to put his hands on her son too!! What the hell?? I hope he gets smacked around a bit in jail and see how he likes it!
Okay, so maybe I am a bad person. I am certainly not a perfect person, but I'd like to think that I have better morals where my kids are concerned. In fact, I have been referenced as a mother bear. I let my kids have a lot of space, but anyone hurts them and they'll get mauled. My Ex found that out the hard way . . . He used to threaten to take me to court to get what he wanted after the divorce . . . like to pay less money or this or that. It was manipulation and he never actually intended to take me. He used the fact that I was so panicked by going to court that I would do just about anything not to go (happens when you have a panic/anxiety disorder). But then when my daughter was molested, I forced myself to go. I went to three different court houses for a total of 11 times in 7 months. Guess what? I don't panic going to court anymore. I might not like it, but I certainly handle it now. In fact, I don't even threaten my Ex. Or rather since I don't need to do anything anymore I didn't threaten my Ex with court. Instead, I would go to the court house, file the papers and notify him that I was taking him to court. If you're not trying to manipulate, then why say anything. You're just giving the person time to try to find a way out of the mess he's made for himself and I stopped tipping my hand long ago.
But the point of that was, he was part of the abuse against both of my kids. He has no legal rights with our daughter. I have full custody of her - legal, sole . . . whatever. I make the decisions. As for our son . . . He has no visitation. He lost that when he had physical custody of our son - because our son told me that he wanted to live with his dad . . . Well, in three months he wanted to come home and his father wouldn't let him. He hit him, yelled at him . . . of course my son acted out. I called the sheriff to do a well-child check twice . . . Anyway, I petitioned for custody back. John - my Ex - eventually gave him back and didn't show up for the hearings. Boo-hoo . . . Jordan, my son, likes seeing and hearing from his dad, but he sure doesn't want to see or hear from him on a regular basis and god forbid you should make any reference to anything he might have in common with his father! You get a very visceral reaction.
My kids are great kids and I can't understand how he could hurt them. Well, he won't be hurting them again. And my once-friend (though I think part of me will always care about her. We have known each other since I was 12.) won't be hurting her kids either . . .
You know, maybe for kicks I'll post some of her writing and some of my writing!! That ought to be a hoot! People can see how ridiculous it was for her to abuse her kids over this stupid book of hers . . . The only good chapters were the ones I wrote for her! That's not just my opinion either . . . try everyone who she showed it to.
Anyway, guess I have rambled on long enough. Maybe I'll post the writing tomorrow. For now, I think I might add some photos on here of myself, Denise, John and the kids . . . Just in one of those moods.

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