Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reading, Writing and Editing

Today has been a bit of a long day, but a good day! My mom needed to get X-rays done so I had to wake up early. I knew it so it wasn't a bad thing. But it did take me several minutes to get up. Then I thought maybe she had to go to imaging, but it turned out that she needed to go to her doctor's off. After I dropped her off, I went to Walmart. I went to the McDonald's there. I had my iced coffee with me so when I was done drinking it, I just got soda. I also got a couple of Big Macs - 2 for $4. While I was eating I also did reading. "The Sheik and the Christmas Bride" is a good book, though I didn't read that much before my mom called to pick her up.

What sucked is when I got home I was trying to fix my mattress when my big butt knocked over my soda!! Ugh! All over the floor! I was so ticked!! But on the other hand, I got my butt online and checked out my stuff. I was kind of sad that no one had read my "Jason Bourne" story yet, but that would come. I did decide to start the editing of my book. Chapters 1-3 were done. I got chapters 4-7 done. It's awesome. Tomorrow my goal is to edit three more chapters. I hope to be done editing by Tuesday. After that, I start working on my Query Letter. OMG! The thought kind of makes my anxiety rise. I guess because I don't think my last one was good and I want a GOOD Query Letter. Then I want to start sending to Agents AND Publishing Houses. See where I get a bite. I have a feeling this is going to be a long road. Longer than I want it to be. But you know, if I get success at the end of it, then it'll be worth it. I just wish it would happen sooner for me. But I'll just have to keep writing and reading since it goes hand in hand and see what happens.

Eventually Angel in FANtastic Writers read my story and she loved it! It makes me feel good to have someone reading my writing and enjoying it. I just want to have people love my work. I just hope I get that one of these days. If nothing else, at least I have it on these short story fantasies.

I have to say I'm pretty tired. I'm thinking I can finish watching "Burn Notice" and "Suits" and then go to bed early. It would be nice, I think. I did get to watch "Project Runway," which was a good episode. 

Anyway, I think that's it for me for now. With luck, tomorrow my money will come in and I can start shopping - getting what I need to get this month. It's hard to believe it's September already. Next week Cassie comes home and starts school. Well, time for meds and watching the rest of my shows. Then hopefully sleep. 


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