Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Shadow Your Kid Day!

Last Friday was Shadow Your Kid Day at Cassie's school. Basically it's a reverse of Take Your Kid to Work Day. Instead they get to take YOU to their work - school. What made it more interesting for me is the fact that this middle school was the same school I went to! Only it was a Junior High at the time. I have some good memories there. I had some good teachers.

Anyway, Cassie's first class is English. Her second class is Social Studies. Then it's Math, advisory (which she didn't have that day - minimum day) and either PE or Engineering and in my case she had PE. I stayed in the lunch harbor for that one. The stairs would have been a challenge for my knees otherwise. All the teachers were nice to the parents, of course. But the most fun class was her Social Studies! That teacher was fantastic and the project he had us all work on together was so much fun!

He gave us envelopes with paper puzzle pieces of skulls. We had to put them together and put them in the right order from Austroapithicus to Homo Sapien. Then we had to paste them onto a long brown paper and the kids had to write stuff down about each skull. It was a lot of fun and very engaging! I'd go back to that class any time!

At first I wasn't so sure I wanted to go to Shadow Your Kid day. But I sure am glad I went! It was a great experience for both Cassie and I!

More Perky Than I have been!

It seems to me that I haven't had much to say these last couple of weeks and when I have had something to say I was just too tired. I have been very, very tired lately and it was driving me crazy. It was also keeping me off the computer. I mean, it's hard to want to do anything when you feel like you can just drop off to sleep!

Anyway, I started taking the Paxil my pdoc wanted me on and to top that off I ended up with an absessed tooth! So that meant antibiotics. In fact, when I went to the ER they put an IV in me and ran antibiotics through me. They also gave me MORE antibiotics to take. The sad thing is I can still taste them! ICK!! But the swelling is down so the infection is gone or almost gone. Still makes me wonder how much the exhaustion was from the antibiotic/infection and how much was the paxil. I mean, I was sleeping 12 hours every day!! Today not so much. I slept late because I didn't sleep well last night. Restless legs got the best of them . . . Time for another med change - Benedryl in place of the other medication I was taking.

So I'm doing better today and I'm happy of that! Yay!