I am soooooo tired! Not like I couldn't have done this earlier in the evening, but I got caught up with the new page I created on Facebook. It's about holidays through the year. I want to post quotes, pix, recipes and even crafts for kids. I just hope that I stick with it. It's fun and though it's not a holiday I have started with Back-To-School stuff and apple stuff. October will be pumpkins, Jack-o-lanterns, Halloween stuffs. And of course, November is turkeys, pumpkins, thanksgiving and all that. And without surprise, I'm going nuts right after Thanksgiving as we gear up for Christmas!! I love Christmas!! Then it will be New Years and all the other holidays to celebrate!
Before that, I was doing laundry with Jordan's help. He insisted on getting me a cake for my birthday. I got a Neapolitan cake and it's GOOD! He liked it too! But it was a LONG day of laundry at mom's. Too long really. But I got a lot done online for things I wanted to accomplish. I even got a letter to William (a prisoner) done finally!! Seemed to take me forever. But my mind has been going every which way lately. Just one distraction after another. Not getting enough sleep being an issue. But yesterday, I got up easy enough. I picked up Jordan. Cassi had her friend Josh come over and the three of them with Susan moved the furniture around in Cassi's corner. It looks so much better now and the snakes' tank has a permanent place. Now we just need to get the same motivation to turn the living room around! Hopefully it will work by Christmas. We all want a Christmas tree and we need a place to put it! So I'll maybe bug Susan a bit on it and see what happens. ;-)
Jordan got to spend the night over, which worked out well. Cassi ended up spending the night at a friend's house so Jordan could use her bed. It was nice having him here. It's too bad there just isn't enough room, but there's barely enough room here for Cassi and I! I can't wait until he can get a better place to live.
Anyway, tomorrow is Cassi's first day of the new school year at a brand new school literally!! The school was built over the summer! But she has a ride to and from on the school bus!! Which for me is awesome!! I will save on fuel big time! And I just want this new school year to be a great one! She's already nervous and I feel for her. She wanted me to take her to school tomorrow for the first day, but unfortunately I can't. But I know she'll be okay once she gets there! Plus she'll always have someone around to talk to. That should help a lot and she'll be with more kids that will understand her and her issues. There will be kids like her!
Well, it's after midnight which makes it Officially September 3rd. It sucks because I want to get up at 6:30am for Cassi to try to make the morning better if I can. It's going to be tough! I am going to be so tired tomorrow! But I'm going to keep at it. I will just get up and get going.
Anyway, I need to take my night meds, but my stomach is still full from my chicken sandwich. I have no idea how long I will need to wait to take them. If I take them on a full stomach I'll throw them up plus stomach contents. I would rather not do that! LOL! But I do need to take them. Of course, skipping one night wouldn't be the end of the world, but it wouldn't exactly help either!
Okay, I am REALLY tired! I feel like I am starting to ramble! Ah well. Just means I need to get to sleep soon! Looks like I might be going to sleep without meds after all!
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