Okay, it's Saturday and the last two days have been quite eventful!
Yesterday was seriously busy. I got my money early and the first thing I did was go to the bank and pulled out money for fuel, for Cassi's backpack for school, supplies and some hair dye. Then I also pulled money out for two corn snakes. They are awesome! We had to drive to a Vons in Tierrasanta to meet the man giving us the snakes. They came with EVERYTHING - the two corn snakes, the large and good tank, all the accessories inside the tank including a nice big water dish. They also came with a heating pad and heating light. We got all of that and some bedding for $60. I could not say no! I really like snakes and it was a really good deal! Anyway, Cassi is sharing one of the snakes with Aunt Susan. Susan already named hers Sunshine. Cassi had a member of "Focus in Frame" name her snake. One of them is a huge Harry Potter fan so he got named Voldermort. :-) They are gorgeous and friendly. Sunshine is always trying to move around and go everywhere, while He who shall not be named, is very mellow and loves to just hang around - literally! He loves to hang around Cassi's neck or wrist. They are both really cute. We have to get some good pix of them. When I do I'll post them.
After we picked them up, it turned out that we were 2 miles away from Cassi's friend Josh, who she was going to hang out with that day anyway, so we picked him up. We got the snakes home. We stayed around a bit. Then I went shopping at Walmart. I had to get two bins for the snakes to eat in. They can't be fed in their enclosure. It's a safety thing. You don't want them thinking their getting fed when you put your hand in to pick them up! That would not be good! So while I was on my way shopping, I took the kids to the trolley. It was on my way really, or just out of my way. She went to do her shopping while I did mine. I managed to get everything on my list. It included everything from a shirt, to vitamins, Baking pans, to DVDs, cat food and treats and litter . . . I also made Cassi a key since she lost the last one. The head of the key is a skull. :-) Then I saw this really cute fox key chain. I wasn't sure she' want it. It's not like it went with the skull, but knowing the way we are, I didn't think she would have a problem. In fact, she loved it! So it was a home run!
After that, I went to Walmart Market and went shopping there. I did too much shopping though! I picked up everything from bread to rice and other things like coffee and creamers. I have bought enough stuff for a lot of lunches and a lot of dinners - plus corn bread, muffin and cake mixes. I even went back today to get more rice packets and ground turkey. But I was rally exhausted b the time I picked up Cassi from the trolley. In fact, I didn't make dinner. I actually bought some good Mexican food. Rolled tacos for Susie and Chili Relleno Burritos for Cassi and I. But last night I was exhausted and went to sleep relatively early.
Today, Cassi's friend Josh came here to visit. We went shopping for mice for the snakes. They were in need of a meal. So we ended up at Petco. Then my mom called and wanted me to pick up something for her, so I did that and we took it over to my mom's. We finally got to meet the new dog. Not so sure how to spell her name, but it means doughnut in French. We pronounce it "donay." She's a sweet dog!
After that, we came home, feed the snakes. It was fascinating to watch them. We let them stay there for awhile, then Cassi gently put them back in their tank. Then I let them go about doing what they wanted while I ran to the store for the last few items I listed. Though I forgot carrots and broccoli though maybe Susie would like to buy those. She can go to Costco for them! :-)
Anyway, I got everything put away, chilled out for awhile - Cleaned litter boxes, fed Karissa and did the like. Then Cassi wanted to go see her friend Ramiro and it's probably going to be the last time she sees him for awhile so I took her there. On the way there we grabbed a sandwich and shared it. Then I dropped her off and came home.
I managed to do a few things, but even now, I am tired and ready to go to sleep. So anyway, that's a recap of the last to days. I think it's gone rather well, except for being just about broke again, but such is life! Money comes and then goes again.
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