Man I'm tired. I slept until 1:30pm or maybe a bit later, but I'm tired. I just am. I did get the computer all day though which was awesome. I didn't feel up to editing, but I wrote a poem about the black out and posted it in several of my groups on Cafemom. I then got a new member in "I'm not Fat! I'm Fluffy!" She actually replies to things! And she was very active today so I tried to reply to most of what she put out there so that way she'd know how excited I was she was there and to encourage her to respond more! I am just so happy I have someone who really seems like they want to be involved! Then for "The Writer's Workshop" I wrote another little thing with a prompt word. I wrote what I call "Karissa's Lazy Day." LOL! Yeah, the word was Cat! :-) And then one of the women in the group wrote another prompt for the word leaves. It was awesome. She's shy she says so I made sure to compliment her - it WAS really, really good! I'm just glad that the groups are going so well!
Then my mom made banana-strawberry smoothies for Jordan and I. Then she made breakfast for dinner which was great. The bacon was almost perfect! Actually most of it was perfect for me because I can't eat it when it's crisp. We also had scrambled eggs and seasoned fries. It was yummy!
I was done with the computer and I gave it to Jordan, but I also wanted to go to the store to get coffee creamers. I got three coffeemates - cinnamon vanilla, vanilla caramel and Italian sweet cream. I haven't tried that last one yet, but now I will! Of course, at the store I also bought myself a Gold Peak green tea, a strawberry cheesecake. I also got Jordan two chicken tender sandwiches, some gummi frogs and gummi colas. I can't believe I ate all of the cheesecake. It was good, but I don't think I'll watch cheesecake for awhile.
Anyway, when I got home I started watching stuff on 9/11. But it's just so sad. I have been okay with watching stuff for the last year. But I guess I watched too much because it started having a negative effect on me. I did write a poem about 9/11 and I plan to post it on my groups tomorrow. Not sure if I'll watch more 9/11 stuff, but I probably will watch something. After all, tomorrow is the ten anniversary. All I can say is thank god we finally killed Osama bin Laden. It didn't kill his organization, but we did finally get the mastermind behind the 9/11 tragedy.
Jordan came in and he was bored and said that what I was watching was too depressing and we needed to watch something better. So turning the channel we got to Animal Planet and found this show on called "Bad Dog" and it's hilarious!! I love it! So since watching this silly show I have a smile on my face and it's pretty good! They showcase mostly dogs, but they show other animals as well. In fact, the last one they showed was about a raccoon!
Anyway, not much else is going on. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully more fun in my Cafemom groups and if I'm really lucky I'll be in the right mood to do some editing. But for now, I'm going to take my meds and try to go to sleep.
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