Well, I let Cassie stay home today. Poor thing just felt awful. I did try to get her to go, but I didn't have the heart to force the issue. Plus, she was seeing the doctor anyway. The doctor seems to think the stomach ache is due to stress and gave her some antacid pills. Then for her cold the doctor prescribed some cough medicine. But after I let her go back to sleep I went back to sleep. FINALLY. I had to tell Jordan to take a shower last night. Then make sure to get him out the door when Jason and Susan got there. He was doing a ticket buy with Susan after they dropped Jason at his work. When Susan brought Jordan back, she took Cassie . . . No one told me! LOL! Of course, it makes sense, but it would have been nice if Cassie had said good-bye.
Anyway, I didn't get up until 1:00pm. I was so tired I could have slept longer! But I knew I needed to get up. I had to pick up Jason because Susan was taking Cassie to the doctor for me. I got coffee and then ate something. I took a shower. Also found out Aunt Flo had arrived. The PMS was making me all emotional. While I was out in the family room Jordan brought out the computer and had to show me the newest "Epic Rap Battles of History." This one was Mr. T vs. Mr. Rogers! LOL! I personally think Mr. Rogers won! :-D It was great. Then Jordan gave me the computer, but I really didn't have much time to use it.
On my way to pick Jason up I decided to break my twenty and get a soda from McDonald's. I almost got a burger, but decided not to. While I was waiting to get to the window Jason texted me to tell me he'd be there more like 3:45pm and I was like, sure! I didn't feel panicked being stuck in the line anymore. I got to the Amaya station with 15 minutes to spare. While I waited though, my PMS was getting the better of me - last night with Cassie still getting to me. I just want her to be happy, and I was hoping she was happy with the arrangement. Guess it was just me. Anyway, Jason arrived and we went back to my place. As we waited for Susan to come pick him up I talked to him about how I was feeling. I don't often do that. But I told him how I felt like Cassie didn't want to spend any time with me at all. That if she had her way, she'd never see me. He tried to assure me that she loves me, but it just hurt me. I HATE BEING EMOTIONAL!! Ugh!
When Susan got here Jason left and they took Jordan to take him to Tim's house. Tomorrow is Taylor's 18th birthday and Jordan was going to help get things ready. But I wasn't going to stay around either. After I ate dinner I asked my mom if she had $5 so I could get some tampons. I was almost out. She instead gave me a $10. She also wanted me to pick up some milk, orange juice, bread and apple juice. I also picked up some jelly buns. What I wanted was my cherry cheese danishes, but I didn't see any! Not even regular cheese danishes. That kind of bummed me out. Then I got a Woman's World too. Once I left I started worrying about how I was going to get everything inside. I stopped to get another soda with my change then when I got home, I left that, my purse and my jelly buns in the car and literally dragged everything else to the door. I heard a young man's voice to see Taylor open the door for me. He also grabbed the bags and carried them into the kitchen. Thank god! Then with his help I got stuff put away and was able to go out and grab my other stuff. I did tell him I might not go to the party tomorrow and he seemed okay with it.
When I got back to my room I set up the computer and though I wasn't sure I was up for Formatting, I decided that I needed to do it whether I felt like it or not. So I formatted two chapters. Tomorrow my goal is three. Anyway, then my mom made hot chocolate for us. I put some of my Italian sweet cream creamer in it and oh wow! Yum!! Then I went back to the formatting. I also put on "Tanked." I really do enjoy that show and I posted a bunch of stuff on "I'm not Fat! I'm Fluff! and "The Writer's Workshop." Then I'm watching "Haven." I'm pretty tired so I hope if I take my meds I'll be able to sleep. I need to take some advil too. To ward off the cramps AND the headache I have. I also get so tired with my period so hopefully sleep will find me easily. If not, I won't be too happy.
I hope I feel better tomorrow. If nothing else, I committed to formatting three chapters and I will do that. I have to make commitments to myself so that I can keep moving forward.
Well, seems Audry just killed the Rev in "Haven" protecting a girl who's a wendigo that he was going to kill. This should be interesting next season. And with that, I'm closing this up.
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