Well, I'm still sick, but not completely sick. I'm about as good as I was last night. I'm just tired and get sore a lot easier. My poor mom is REALLY sick. I had to take her to the doctor. Since she figured she was going to be awhile she gave me a little money. So I went to McDonald's at Walmart. I got a good place to park. It wasn't even a handicapped spot. All I got was a McDouble and an Extra Large Diet Dr. Pepper. Plus, as I waited I decided to try to whittle down my synopsis. I got through almost the whole thing when my mom called. I'm just relieved that as soon as I opened up the spiral my mind was going. I was really worried that being sick was going to throw me way off. But it hasn't!! :-) I am back on track!
Anyway, I got to see Cassie for a few minutes today. They kicked her out of Prime Time because she wasn't actually registered! LOL! That's my girl! But I filled out the paperwork for her to go. She just needs to go for the homework assistance. I'm hoping that the Vice Principal calls me tomorrow and works with me on this. She doesn't need to be there for the whole Prime Time thing so I'm hoping they won't give me trouble. She wants to stay after school because of a boy! :-) It's so cute. Her friend finally introduced them. Cassie's on cloud nine! It was good to see her even if it was only for a few minutes. I've missed her this week, but I'm certainly glad to keep her away from the sickness.
My mom is really, really sick though and that bothers me. The doctor had called in a prescription for her and I went to go get it. She gave me her credit card and told me to get her some sherbet. Actually, she wanted ice cream. The worst thing you can have with a nasty, congestive cold. I talked her into sherbet instead. I also asked if I could get some bread. But what ticked me off was my mom called the pharmacy. They made it sound like the medicine was ready for pick up. It WASN'T!! I was so aggravated. My back was hurting. There was no place to sit, not that their chairs are fitting for someone my size. Eventually I did try sitting down, but I was starting to really feel crappy again. As soon as they had it ready, I was GONE! I came home, gave my mom her meds, served sherbet for both of us and then HAD to sit down. My back is killing me.
After my mom went to bed, I helped Jim - the contractor putting the new roof on who is staying with us for now. He was having a hard time with his gmail. I got a little bit of it sorted out for him, but his laptop is a pain in the ass. I told him if he needed more help that I would help him. :-) He seems nice enough.
Going back to my room, I finished posting stuff on my Cafemom groups, especially "The Writer's Workshop" and "I'm not fat! I'm fluffy!" and I finished my second draft of my synopsis for "Assassin's Seduction." I also typed it up and tried getting it into the right format. But I don't know how good it is. I don't know if it shows my passion or not. Plus I'm not sure I used the right tense all the way through. Think I'll see if someone can look it over for me tomorrow. I'd like to say I have it done because I don't think I can pull anything else out of this synopsis. I just can't do it. Ugh!! I wish I could have gotten it down to one page, but I don't know. Maybe I'll try to find a few online to look over. We'll see.
Anyway, I have been half-watching "Chopped." I actually saw the finale to "Chopped Champions!" and this one girl I thought had been eliminated, turned out I had her confused with another girl. LOL! Anyway, it was nice to see the end of it since I had watched the other episodes. Now "Sweet Genius" is on and I have never seen it before so it should be interesting.
I don't know if I'll sleep anytime soon, but I am tired. I think I might take one more turn about my Cafemom groups, but then take my meds and try to go to sleep. I won't see Cassie until Monday afternoon . . . But at least I should be completely well by then!
Guess that's it!