Today has actually been a pretty good day! I didn't wake up until 2pm, but I was able to clean out the frog tank and after Jordan got the spring water in from the trunk I cleaned out the fish bowl. I know the fish were very happy to be in clean water. I was just happy to feel up to getting stuff done. I really didn't do much else. I have been IMing with Greg today and Nicole called me earlier so I have had some contact with the outside world! LOL! Other than that, I played on Facebook. I have tossed some ideas around for a story. Nothing concrete yet, but at least I am trying to get the juices flowing. They're just not cooperating. I also made an easy dinner of Ham and Cheese sandwiches for Jordan and I. We're out of bread now. :-P Guess I'll need to go to the store tomorrow.
The funny thing is I'm tired and I'm wondering if I can manage to sleep early. I haven't exactly been successful lately and I'm concerned that I'm just going to have to wake up early and deal with being tired all day. I hate the thought, but if it's what I have to do then I guess I'll have to do that.
What's funny too is that I have been watching Destination Truth all day and I think I'll keep watching it. It's just Saturday and usually TV is a desert. I don't mind watching this over and over again. But it makes me want the next season - if they ever release it!! I'll be waiting with baited breath. I also finally watched the episiode that Josh Gates did a commentary on that I hadn't watched with it on before. It was pretty neat!
Now if I could just get my creative mind working again . . . There is just no real inspiration anymore and I don't know why. But I'm going to see about developing the story with the dragon. I had some ideas and maybe if I hit on the right ideas I'll have something new to work on. I just WANT to want to write. The desire is there but inspiration isn't. The passion isn't. I need to find that passion again and I don't know where to find it. That's probably the one thing that has me down today. But maybe that will change. I just have to hope it will. If I could just get that back everything else would fall into place I think. That's what I believe. But all in all it's been a good day!
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