We have a toad!! Actually, it looks like a frog to me. Cassie said it was a frog. The guy that sold it to her said it was a frog. But Fire-Bellies are TOADS! But it's so cute! I don't care! Still, I was looking stuff up about them today and I know what we need to get for it on July 3rd. It's important to get the right habitat, the right food, the right amount of water . . . all that fun stuff.
Of course, turns out that though these frogs aren't terribly toxic, they do secrete a toxin from their skin. Basically it means we wash hands when we're done and we wash out the enclosure regularly to keep the toxin levels down. I have to say though, out of all the things she could have brought home from the swap meet, this has to be the cutest and best. It will just require care.
Other than that, nothing else really knew, but I think the new froggy is enough for now! LOL! So now it's off to writing and chatting again!!
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