Thursday, February 24, 2011

Truly Sleeping Beauty

This will probably be one of my shortest entries ever. I literally spent almost all day sleeping. I stayed awake for a couple of hours today, but I was so tired I laid down and zonked out. I only woke up long enough for dinner and went to sleep again. I'm only awake now because I woke up in time to see most of "Royal Pains" and am going to finish "Fairly Legal". Hopefully I'll go back to sleep after that. But basically, I did no writing. No reading. Nothing of import. I was just freaken tired. Guess that's a good reason not to take so much stuff to help me sleep. I think I over did it and so the consequence was playing Sleeping Beauty today.

Well, tomorrow will be another day. An early day. Hopely my mind will feel fresh and alert unlike at the moment. LOL! Guess the only thing left is to take my night meds and go back to sleep. Just go easy on some of the meds.

Time to go back to playing Sleeping Beauty for now.

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