Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Not that the day started bad or anything, but tonight has made me smile and laugh a lot. Then again, between watching repeat "Pawn Stars", "Dirty Jobs" and "Auction Kings" it would be hard not to smile! I think "Dirty Jobs" probably has had the best impact. Watching Mike Rowe make stinky boot jelly bellies and making blueberry pies, wearing the pie hat definitely had me smiling. LOL! Also I heard from Jason tonight. He told me how much Cassie misses me. I told him it was nice that she missed me. Apparently he told her and her response was "When do I not miss her?" So THAT was a big reason for me to smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm going over there tomorrow night for dinner and to spend time with her.

Other than that, the day was relatively normal. My mom woke me up at about a quarter to noon. But I wanted to sleep a little longer. I did nap for about 20 minutes and then I got up, got dressed, got my coffee and took my mom to Costco. I didn't really want to go, but she needed to. So we split the list she had in half. I took one, she took the other. We set a meeting place and headed out. I was responsible for fruits and veggies, tuna, salmon . . . She took care of the paper products and stuff. I was done sooner than her so I took a seat at our meeting up place and pulled out my book, "Chronicles of Riddick" and read awhile. The book has gotten much better and I'm definitely more into it now. Guess it just started off slow.

Anyway, before we left we got a pizza. It was nice to have as a late lunch. Then while we ate it, Jordan and I watched the History Channel special "Jesse James Treasure." He was actually into it! It was awesome. We got to talk a little about how Jesse James hadn't been killed. That he faked his death and lived on. His great-great grandson looks almost exactly like him!! I mean, come on, right? So that kind of made the afternoon real special.

I still didn't do any writing today. I'm putting it off one more day. I just need to wake up not tired. I actually want to get another 5-hour energy. That worked so well when I used it that one time. Makes me want to get more. Next month I might get a box of them. I was going to see if my mom would get me a box of them at Costco, that was until I saw how much they wanted. They wanted almost $40! That's too much to ask her for so I didn't. She also said that I should be able to find them at Walmart for around $20. I doubt the box is that cheap, but it's definitely worth looking into.

Anyway, it's been a decent day and a good night. I do have to admit that I miss Cassie myself. I always do - every minute of every day. But knowing she misses me helps me through the tough moments. I'm going to think positive again and that tomorrow is going to be another good day - positive, positive day!

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