Well, I'm not feeling so great today. After worrying about Jordan last night I took something to help me sleep this morning for awhile, but I ended up sleeping all morning and into the afternoon. Something great happened today though! My new California benefits card came today FINALLY!!! So after I ate some yogurt and Cassie had dinner we went to Walmart. I was feeling pretty crappy though. Probably a combo of the sleeping I did and a tea I drank with sugar in it. But I'm not dumping. I just feel really rundown. I suppose that's really my sleeping late and still recovering. Because no nausea or throwing up or anything else. I just don't feel so well. Guess we'll see how I feel in the morning.
I am glad I went to Walmart tonight, though I really didn't have the energy. Got a mother's day card for my mom and a card for Susan. :-) I also got a plant for my mom as a present. Now I just have to keep it alive until Sunday. LOL! I do not have a green thumb. I thnk it'll be fine though.
Anyway, not much else to tell except that I did eat a scrambled egg tonight and it tasted pretty good. I think I might have eaten too much, but it seems to have worked out. I need to make sure that I stick to eating three meals a day. Maybe a snack, but that's it. I wonder if I've lost anymore weight. Guess I'll find out at the gym if I try the scale there. If I'm below 400 lbs it will weigh me!! :-D
Guess that's it. I'm doing okay. Just wish I felt a little better today. But I wouldn't change getting that surgery for anything.
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