Saturday, October 1, 2011

Accomplishment and Laughs

I'm so happy! I have a final draft of my synopsis for "Assassin's Seduction!" Last night Susan looked over my synopsis three times and couldn't see anything she could do with it. She said it made her want to read the book!! That's always a good thing! So then I got a hold of Nicole today and asked her if she'd look it over. She said sure, gave me some ideas on how to streamline it just a little. She also found a couple of "tense" errors. Tenses are a pain in the ass when you're used to writing in past tense and suddenly have to write in present tense. But the best thing - the synopsis is down to TWO PAGES!! It kept going onto three pages, but with Nicole's suggestions it's down to two! That makes me feel better. I really didn't want it to be over two pages long, especially since it's a short book. I think it's good to go and that's awesome!

You know, the nice thing too is that everyone is so proud of me that I'm doing everything and moving forward. Nicole even said that I had more nerve than she did because I was going through all the process to start sending out query letters. It's nice to have that support! It helps propel me forward. I guess tomorrow if my money comes in I'm going to get stamps and envelopes and starts getting ready to send out the query letters. Maybe I'll get lucky with the first round this month! :-) I can hope!

Anyway, I didn't sleep last night. My nose was so clogged so I didn't fall asleep until about 7:00am. It sucked. I got woken up around 2:30-3:00pm. My mom was aggravated with me. Apparently the doctor called her and told her she has pneumonia. I didn't know that. Then Jordan came and told me he was going to go to the air show with Tim and Taylor. I got asked to make my mom's bed with Jordan so I did that. I also got Jordan to get me water.

After my mom wigged out on me, I told her about my not sleeping and how I needed more medication. She ended up giving me her credit card and gave me a list of stuff to get. I went to Walmart at Grossmont to find out that they have fresh fruits and veggies now!! I was shocked! But my mom had wanted bananas and strawberries and then took them off the list because I was going to Walmart. But I was able to get them! And avacados and tomatoes! It was very awesome! So that's just something else I can get at Wally world! Yay!

The bad thing about Walmart, I got nauseous when I was in line. I don't know what happened, but I almost threw up. I literally grabbed a bag off the bagging thing and had a dry heave. Nothing came out and it passed after that. But OMG! How horrible would it have been to have thrown up at the register. But I made it home okay. When I got home my mom had dinner ready. I got a French bread pizza and a really good tamale. Then I did dishes and then came back to my room. That's when I talked to Nicole and edited the final draft of my synopsis.

I am tired, but I have to say I'm having a great evening! I got to watch "Jeff Dunham Controlled Chaos" and it was awesome! Now I'm watching "Weird Al Apocolypse Tour Concert!" So far it's great! It really brings back memories. Weird Al has been in my life since I was 12 or 13 years old. :-D Love him! He's hysterical. So basically I have and am watching funny stuff tonight!

Anyway, I took some of my medicine. I can't find the cough drops so I'll have to look for them. I'm a little hungry so I might grab some food, but I know I will for sure take my meds and try to go to sleep. I just hope my nose stays relatively clear tonight.

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