I don't think this one is going to be too long. I am way too tired to sit here and write tons of stuff. But I will give an outline of my day. I woke up at 6:15am. I so didn't want to get up, but I did and got coffee. Then I headed u to the Welfare office. I ended up taking care of the papers last night to ease my mind about what what I needed to do. Anyway, I got up there and the office wasn't even opened yet! So I waited in my car for a few minutes. I drank my coffee and then I ended up grabbing my folder with the paperwork. I was bummed out to find out I couldn't take my coffee in with me. Apparently there had been a couple of slobs the week before. Anyway I threw it away and went inside. I actually got seen pretty quickly. I also went in for orientation and talked to the woman about my issue with the medi-cal and the other insurance that's not supposed to be on there. She seems to think it might be resolved in a week. I hope to God it is. Oh, and there must really be a God because my mom and Diana ARE going to the reunion!! Yay!
On my way home I stopped by Vons, but a smaller one I don't usually go to. I got some raspberry lemonade, mini bear claws and these other treat stuff - cream puff in chocolate and chocolate truffle. Would have been better if I'd had a spoon instead of having to use my fingers. LOL!
ANyway, after I got home, I laid down and went to sleep. My mom woke me around 1:30pm. She needed me to take her to the Grossmont pharmacy so she could get her tabs. We stopped at the post office so she could get stamps. We went to that pharmacy, then she wanted to go to Walmart. I went in with her. I got a few things, but then I took out my book at the McDonald's - getting more Soda (I had gotten a drink at another McDonald's). "Ice Cold" is really an awesome book. Anyway, from there, we went back home. I got online on Cafemom and posted some stuff and caught up. Then Diana wanted to go to AAA and Costco and I took her. She was pleasant enough. Turns out she's still sick. That's not a good thing. I think she needs to see a doctor, but she isn't going to - especially because they're leaving tomorrow for San Francisco and the reunion.
After that, I was back on the computer until Jordan got up. I watched "Burn Notice" but after that Jordan and I went to Vons. He got two sandwiches and I got a sandwich and a chicken cesare salad. We each got a Sobe to drink and then these little creampuff things - like what I had that morning. After that, he picked up a prescription for me and we headed to Walmart. I picked up some treats. I upset Jordan though, when I didn't buy the "Addam's Family" movie pack. I still might get it, but not yet. Anyway, we came home and now Jordan is in his room, very awake. The treats I bought are in the car since my mom was still awake. I have the alarm set for 5:00am to wake my mom up.
So that's it. I have nothing to do tomorrow, but I do have a commitment on Saturday to get the car fixed - that board that got recalled or whatever. Anyway, I think that's it. I'm exhausted. It's after 1:00am. Time for bed.
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