I have a feeling this is going to be a very short since I don't really have much to say. My day was pretty minimal as far as what I was able to do because I slept most of the day. I was tired. I basically took too much medicine last night trying to get to sleep. I did wake up at 8:30am and called Greg because I didn't want to go down there without knowing he was awake. Well, I called and called and surprise, surprise, I didn't hear from him. In fact, I haven't heard from him AT ALL! Of course, the asshole has to do that to me. If he doesn't get off his ass and fix my car like he said he would then I won't talk to him ever again. I have never been able to rely on him and it's basically the same shit, different day. He hasn't changed at all. He still blows me off. I don't care what his excuse is since it's probably Linda. I am done. I am doone with his lies. I am done with getting blown off and being told that he'll do something or will be there for me only to have him blow me off. I am so tired of him. I really am. And because of him, I'm fucked about getting brakes unless I can find someone to do it around $100 or if someone will front me the money for some of it until next month. I can't tell my mom. But this will be the last time I will let him let me down.
Anyway, I took way too much meds last night and after calling and waiting for a bit of trying to reach him I ended falling back to speed. I slept until 1:00pm, got up, ate some lunch - chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. It was good. Then I went back to my room and I played online, but I don't think I stayed up all that long. I feel back asleep until around 6:00pm. Well slept on and off. I finally got up after that. My mom made some noodles and shrimp. I also had some tomatoes and canteloupe. I love melon. Yum!
Since then I watched some TV, but nothing really solid from beginning to end. I watched some "Criminal Minds" and "Law and Order: Criminal Intent" but I did watch "Sanctuary" all the way through. This one was kind of sad. They ended up in a Time Dialation dome. There were people living in there and their time was faster than normal time. The sad thing is, that by collapsing the dome, people born within the doom disappeared. Like they had never lived. It was too sad. I like happy endings and this one was just sad. :-( Hope the next one has a better ending.
Oh and Kimberly called me tonight and that helped put me in a little better mood. I really enjoy talking with her. We can inspire each other and be supportive. I think I need that at the time. I was telling her how I get a little down after I say goodbye to Cassie and she mentioned that I should trying to think of the positive. That I'm doing what's best. That I am a good mom. She did get me to think about what I truly believe about myself and it turns out that I am a LOYAL friend. I believe I am a loyal friend. She said to build on that, so I will try to do that. In fact, maybe I'll tell myself I'm beautiful and I love myself as I look at my reflection in the mirror.
Anyway, I suppse that's about it. Tomorrow is another day and I think it will be a good day. I need to get back to my positive attitude. I need to wake up and just start being positive again. Not that I'm really supper down or anything. But I want to be happy and positive. And every day is a new beginning. I have to remember that.
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