I slept late today. I don't think I got up until about 1:30pm. My mom wanted me to take her to Walmart, but first she had made some spaghetti for an EARLY dinner. I mean dinner is not generally at 2:30pm! But it didn't stop me from eating. I had a big plate and I ended up being quite full. I'm not used to eating a lot when I first get up, but I knew I needed to eat. After that, Jordan pulled out hangers from my closet so that I could put my clothes on them then have Jordan hang them up for me. It got them off my bed and that's a good thing. Then my mom took a nap before we could go to Walmart. That was okay. It just left me with time to putter around my room, write out my GRAPES. I haven't really finished with it today yet. I'm going to do some meditating. It really wasn't that long before my mom woke up ready to go.
Walmart is always good. My mom and I always split up and then meet at McDonald's. She tells me a couple of things to grab for her along the way. Well, this time after grabbing the things she wanted, I decided to look in the $5 DVD bin because I've been trying to find "Fool's Gold." There was this woman there that was seriously digging through the DVDs so I asked her if she'd seen a copy. Well, she hadn't and after a few more minutes I gave up, went to McDonald's and got a soda. Then awhile later the woman found me and said she'd found a copy of the movie. She told me she had put it on the side of the pole, but I wasn't sure what she meant. But after my mom came and she ate while I had an ice cream cone, I told her I wanted to check something out and went back to the bin to see if I could find the movie.
Well, I didn't find it . . . There was this guy there and I was bemoaning the back I just couldn't find this movie. He suggested I make a pile of the movies and go through them one at a time, but I just didn't have the time. I told him I couldn't because of my mother. Again, I gave up and went back to my mom. After that, we headed to the back registers where the car was parked. Just as I was getting ready to get my things scanned the guy tracked me down and handed me my movie!! He said, "Told you we could find it." I thought that was so incredibly awesome! How often do you find one kind stranger, but to find two? I think I was definitely meant to get that movie today. LOL! It was just a really neat experience and I walked away with the movie I wanted!
After we got home, Jordan brought the stuff in from the car. He was happy. I got him a candy bar. :-P Then I got myself to do stretches again. That's three days in a row of "WANTING" to do stretches and doing them! Then some time after that Jordan brought me my computer back, but I didn't really have very much energy to do anything other than check a couple of sites. Then Jordan wanted to go to the store. He wanted more candy and I remembered that Vons was having a buy 2 get 2 free on some of their candy. Then I figured if we were going there, why not get a sandwich and chips? Of course, when we got there, there were no large subs. We had to make due with little sandwiches of which I bought us two each. I got us each a bag of chips and a soda. We still got the candy and I also got Eclaires. OMG! I forgot how good those were! Basically, we sat in the parking lot and ate. We brought home the chips and my candy. He ate his. But Jordan is a bit of a bottomless pit. He eats and eats and eats.
Anyway, I found a new show I like!! "My Cat From Hell" and it's awesome. This show I can really get into because I'm a cat person and I can really impliment anything new I learn - if I can being that I'm not in my own house. But Karissa doesn't have any bad behaviors. She is loving and she talked . . . she's wonderful and I love my baby so much! But it's awesome to watch this guy work with families and their fur babies to end bad behavior and make everyone happy. GREAT show!
Okay, guess that's it for now. I am exhausted and am going to try to go to sleep. I won't hold my breath though. I lay down and my head starts working. I hate it, but it is what it is. However, I'm so tired that maybe I will fall asleep easily. That will be my hope.
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