It's karmic really. What you put out to the universe will come back to you three-fold. I have always believed in what comes around goes around and have tried to live in a way that I won't have stuff come back to me.
Anyway, I was just looking up the status of this woman who'd been a friend of mine. We'd known each other a long time - since I was 12 years old. But the friendship was always rocky. Friends, then not friends and then friends again. As we got older, we lost touch and then I found her and we started being friends again. Well, that was fine and dandy. It went well for a long time until her book. I'm a writer as everyone knows, and most people know this story anyway, but I'll go through it again. She wanted me to write her book for her. At first I had taken it on as a side project. After all, I have my own books to write and really I wasn't supposed to have to write it for her, but her writing is like a junior high kid or less so it really came down to writing the book for her and it was just a project. She called me constantly. Got jealous when I finished my projects and worked on another. But it wasn't my book. It was hers. She was the one with a passion for it and I told her that it wasn't my top priority. But she pushed and pushed and burnt me out on it so much that I just had to drop the project. I tried to be nice about it (though I also found out she was abusing her kids over the computer), but that wasn't acceptable. I became the devil spawn because I decided not to work on her book anymore and she turned on me in a BIG way. She likes to say it wasn't because of the book, but when it comes down to it, that's exactly what it was about.
Anyway, now that I've gone through the story, it's time to get back to the status I found for her. She says she feels like everyone has turned their backs on her again. After so long, wouldn't a normal person ask themselves why?? I mean, this has happened for years on and off with different friends. Not just me. She just managed to upset other people in her lives and they've turned their backs on her. The sad thing is, I didn't turn my back on her. She turned her back on me. Even now, if she called me, I'd take her call. There are some things that haven't passed under the bridge yet, but I don't just turn my back, as she puts it. Still, it comes down again to what you put out to the universe will come back to you. You will reap what you sow . . . If people have turned their backs on you again, maybe there is a reason to be found in yourself.
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