What can I say? This has been a long week. But I can say it's been productive in one way or another. I still feel the blahs and I hate it. I don't know if it's the medication or what, but I HATE it. I remember when Jason used to say to me that he just didn't feel like himself and that he just wanted to be himself again while he was in his depression. Well, I'm just the same now. Only difference is I'm actively trying to do something about it. The problem is, I think what I'm doing isn't helping. In fact, it might be keeping me this way and I'm about ready to just stop the medication I think it is and see if that doesn't fix the problem (no I am not going off my mood stabilizer - I would NEVER do that purposely). But I don't know. I'll play it by ear at the moment. After all, I see my pdoc on Oct. 16th again. I just don't know if I'm willing to wait that long.
Anyway, Jordan got his wisdom teeth removed this week too. I knew he had a lot going on with his teeth, but the one thing that we could get done now was the wisdom teeth. I can say that he has coped much better than I did. It's maybe three days later and he's eating. He's still swollen - he has the chipmunk look - but he's doing good. I'm very glad.
I kind of worried myself sick before hand. It wasn't like I tried to do this, but my mind came up with all kinds of worst case senarios on what might happen. I was never more relieved than when they told me they were done. Because of the medication they gave him he has gaps in his memory (after he woke up that is). He came in that night to get some medication from me and asked me how he'd gotten home!! LOL! He also didn't remember writing questions for me, since he wasn't supposed to talk right after the extraction. I showed him the notes later and he got a kick out of it. Either way, I'm just glad he's okay and recouping well!
This weekend should be an interesting one. Katie is coming over to spend the weekend with Cassie. Of course, Cassie has chores and Katie being the sweetie she is, will help Cassie with them.
The one thing I have done this week is start a schedule again. I mean not a totally ridged schedule, but one with a list of things that should be accomplished every day. So far so good. Most of it is getting done, but there are a couple of things that haven't gotten done. Still, most is good. I have been writing out schedules though for the last two days or so and so far so good. I'm almost a the month mark and I'll just keep going to get ahead. Still, it gets a bit monotonous after awhile, but it'll be worth it in the end when I have the schedule out and not have to worry about it.
Well, guess that's it for now - until the next exciting adventures of my life occur! LOL!