Today seemed like any other day, with a few exceptions. We have family visiting. Because of that, I gave up dinner at a friends' place. As it turns out, they had this cute little kitten that they called Minnie Mouse. She looked almost exactly like her mother except she was fluffy. Minnie was the cutest black and white (mostly black) fluff ball you could ever seen and she was sweet. She was the only one in her litter. That was a weird thing too. I had never heard of a domestic cat having only one kitten in a litter. Plus, this time around Coley - her mother - seemed present, and yet not present like she used to be with her others. It was odd. But if she meowed on us, Coley was there to take her off.
Anyway, no one knows what's happened, but beautiful little Minnie Mouse died. They just found her and she had to have died recently because she was still warm and there was no idea of what happened. Maybe one of the other cats played too rough with her. I know I've seen Chris play a bit rough with her . . . but he seemed to love her. But maybe he treated her too much like a toy and hurt something that she couldn't heal from. Or maybe she just wasn't well to beginning with. But it's not like we'll ever know . . . Just Minnine is dead . . . gone . . . we will never see her again. Maybe we all took it for granted that she was just healthy and doing fine. Maybe we were too complacent. But this hurts so much and she wasn't even my cat. But I can feel Jason and Susan's pain. And I haven't even told Cassie. I'm not sure what I'm going to tell her. I'm sitting here in tears for a kitten that wasn't mine, but I'd held her, loved her while I could . . . and now she's gone. I won't get to see how she grows up. I don't get to see her even go to a new home. She's gone . . . just like that . . . like a candle flame that someone just blew out . . . just like that . . .
God, life is so fleeting and sometimes it's hard to understand or rather accept . . .
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