I just had the best party!! My daughter with Jason and Susan's help planned me a "surprise" party and even though I knew there was going to be a party, I was soooooo surprised!
Greg came and picked me up from the house. Personally, I had a lot of anxiety going on. Not sure why, but I didn't know who might be there and if I'd some how blow being surprised. I was nervous about keeping up conversation . . . every normal kind of thing, I think. Then when I got there, the first thing I saw was this caution tape on the door warning of someone's 40th birthday - basically over the hill! LOL! Then I walked inside and there was purple and blue streamers, white, pink and red balloons and a special Over the Hill party hat just for me! LOL! What surprised me more was that Sharon and Colette were there AND Linda Sen. was there with her baby Amaya! Oh, she's so cute! She's 15 months old. At first I didn't even recognize Linda and then was a little worried about conversation, but then we started talking about kids and that's all she wrote. We went from kinds, to 6th Grade promotion and our kids going to school . . . life in general! It was fantastic! And Jason cooked his fabulous BBQ chicken and even cooked Hot Dogs. We also had baked beans. For appetizers Susan had gotten some of the crab salad I love and we had chips and crackers. There was soda, water and I even got gift cards!! THAT was a big surprise too! I was expecting just birthday cards and got gift cards too - $10 to Barnes and Noble and $20 to Target!! I know what they will go for and it will help me out a lot! That's $30 more I'll have in my pocket next month for back to school and whatever else I'll need!
Anyway, I just had such a good time. I mean, I knew it would be a nice party, but this was honestly just so much fun and the time will be remembered for a long time to come!