This week has really been one heck of a week. I have had so many mood swings . . . it's really driving me nuts. I have received a total of 2 Christmas cards. I haven't sent any out. Plus some require a letter and to be honest, I don't have a whole lot of positive things to share about this year. In fact, I'm looking forward to the new year with the hope that it will be much better! So I have been stuck on what to write.
Then my mother tries to tell me that I can't set up my little tree in the bedroom and that she doesn't want me to hang lights in their either . . . HUH?! She's afraid I'm going to set the house on fire with little, itty, bitty led lights because they're against the wall . . . Uh, they don't get that hot!! But then she was telling me I could set it up in the family room . . . yeah, like I want to spend time out there? The kids and I do NOT open presents out there! Why? Because we get to listen to how I shouldn't get them games and toys . . . I should only get them clothes . . . Yeah. She would LOVE to ruin my kids' lives.
Anyway, Cassie and I hung up lights anyway. In fact, we have some beautiful stars shining in our window in different colors. Then we have a regular strained of lights up around some of the room. We have the stockings up . . . and what my mother doesn't know is that not only will I be putting a tree up in our room . . . it's going to be a REAL tree for a change. We're just going to hide it around the side of the house until everyone goes to sleep, then we'll smuggle it in and set it up. Isn't it stupid to have to do that? It's not like I don't pay something for rent every month. But the woman is a control freak. It's one of the reasons I have such crappy self-esteem. But over time I have learned to be assertive except where it comes to a working environment. I get so panicked in those situations . . .
I have managed to get everything for Christmas - unless I get stuff for Jason and Susan. It's so sweet. Jason and Susan are getting me an MP3 player for christmas!! Yay! They are getting Cassie a digital camera that she wanted and getting Jordan one of the computer games he wanted and a CD that he wanted. But Jason was so sweet and found my Elmo and Patsy Christmas CD! I will finally have my other favorite Christmas album. My first is Merry Christmas from the Beach Boys.
But as another foul note, there was another incident with that bitch counselor at Cassie's grade school - Sherry Muldanado. I have finally had enough. I made many called today and either she gets transferred or fired or I want my daughter transferred to another school. And if it's not done, I am seriously thinking about getting a lawyer and sueing the school district for not doing anything about this woman and for all the crap she has put me and my daughter through. How the principal won't do anything about her . . . They know how I feel. I have made myself perfectly clear that I do not want my daughter sent to this woman under any circumstances. It's not like I haven't said something before and I was told that wouldn't happen . . . well, guess what happened yesterday??? So I am done sitting back and just letting things go. I know it's Christmas, but this woman has no business being a counselor. She's MEAN to kids (not just my daughter. I've witnessed her with other kids) and this is Elementary School! It's not Middle School. It's not High School . . . These are young kids!! So I am done playing games. I want her fired. It's as simple as that. At the very least, I'm lodging a formal complaint. One woman had the nerve to tell me that it would make it harder for the counselor to get another job . . . With what she's put me and my daughter though, I would care WHY??? She needs to find another job too. Something NOT involving kids. So we'll see what happens there.
But it brighter news, Jason and Susan are getting their tree tonight so the kids and I are going over to help decorate like we do every year! It's something the kids and I look forward to. And it will smell so good!! Nothing is like having a real tree . . . It's been hard having fakes ones for so long. I can't wait to have the real one in the bedroom. The room is going to smell like Christmas finally!! So at least in the Christmas tree news things are good! LOL! Now if everything else will fall into place.
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