Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Much Better Than Yesterday!

I still wanted to sleep all day, but I finally got up around 2:30pm. I called and made an appointment to get my brakes taken care of. I just have to be there at 8:00am. I'm going to be hating life. I just have to make sure I get my coffee.

After that, I got ready to go pick up Jason from the trolley. I surprised him and had a sweet tea ready for him. I bought myself a Diet Dr. Pepper, of course. He was nice enough to pick up my mom's medication and then run into the 99 cent store to get some lemons for my mom and moth balls. After that we went to my room and talked a bit. We watched some of the news on Tot Mom and there is no doubt in my mind she's guilty. The bitch killed her little two year old daughter. I hope she gets the death penalty. I think any mother that kills their child should be put to death.

After that, I went over to Jason and Susan's for dinner. I kind of ducked out early because both of them were really tired. But dinner was great. It was burritos. They aren't as good as mine, I don't think, but that's just me, I'm sure. Then when I came home, Jordan brought me the computer and he helped me put the DVDs away. Now the boxes are out of my room, which is a good thing. After that was done, I played on Cafemom, watched "Deadliest Catch" and "After the Catch," and wrote my Aussie! It's been a couple of weeks and I wanted him to know what was going on. I need to get back to the rythm of writing him because he loves to hear from me every day. 

Anyway, I think that's about it. I feel so much better today then I did yesterday. Maybe tomorrow I'll do my exercises. It's been hit or miss with it. I've also been reading "State of Fear" and will be reading a lot of it tomorrow as I wait for the car to be done. Now for tonight, it's after midnight. I'm tired, but not tired so maybe I'll read for awhile. But either way, I'm signing off here.

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