Saturday, June 11, 2011

Just Another Saturday

Well, I slept until 12:30pm. My mom tried waking me up at 11:00am, but I wanted to sleep a little longer to her aggravation. LOL! Well, by the time I got up I got dressed. My mom was asleep so I let her sleep. I knew she'd either wake up and want to go to Walmart or not. So I went back to my room. Found out Karissa finally threw up her hairball - onto one of my magazines. :-P But it's better than being in her and causing her problems. I am going to have to clean off the whole bed because I need to take off the sheet too. But it means moving boxes and stuff. Ugh . . . Maybe I'll make that my project tomorrow. Maybe with Jordan's help.

Anyway, my mom did wake up and wanted to go to Walmart. When she opened the door, I think she thought I'd still be sleeping. But I surprised her! :-D So we went to Walmart. She gave me her shopping list and told me to get what I wanted off the list and she'd get the rest. Well, I told her the one thing I wasn't going to get was her hair coloring. But I did get almost everything else. Then I went to McDonald's. The $2 I had originally put aside for Tubbie went to get me a McDouble because I needed something decent to eat and to get a soda. I certainly got my fill because I had three big cups full. 

I also met this one woman that let me sit down at her table while I was there who had a son who was bipolar. We talked about it and her family with the bipolar. I talked about my first BIG episode and how I ended up getting diagnosed. I felt so bad though. Her son died because of his psych-meds and beer together. I have not heard of that happening before. But my meds don't react that way. He might have been on an MAOI Inhibitor. I refuse to go onto them. I had one jerk Pdoc that wanted to force me onto them. He also said that I wasn't bipolar because he had never personally saw me have an episode! What an asshole. He was also abrupt and was a jerk when I'd use a technical term. He wanted me to dumb down my words. Anyway, I didn't cry when I left him for my new and better Pdoc. In fact, every Pdoc I've had since had been wonderful. They really want to work with you. Not just blanketly tell you what to do.

After that, I spent time doing some reading on "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. It's pretty good, though I haven't been reading a lot lately. Then when my mother got there, I got her a McDouble and water. We actually talked about a lot of different things and it was a good talk. It's amazing we can have those. And to be twice in a couple of weeks is amazing.

When we left, I was ready to be home. I got Jordan up long enough to get the stuff in. I ended up getting rice and BBQ sauce. We were almost out of both and I love rice with BBQ sauce! Once home I settled down and got online. Jason wanted me to come over, but I didn't feel up to it. I just wanted to chill out and play on Cafemom. I also got myself to do some stretches hoping to restart my good mood. Lately I've just felt off. Not myself. Not really depressed, but not happy either. Maybe rocky would be a good description. Anyway, at least I can say I did get my stretches done and I want to do them every day. I can't let it slip anymore. 

Anyway, while I've been playing on Cafemom I've also been watching TV - I watched a repeat of "My Cat From Hell" which I wish there were some new episodes of. I also watched "Cupcake Wars" and "Iron Chef America." Now with that being said, I'm ready to just do a little reading and going to sleep. I think I'm feeling just a little better tonight, but I still wish I felt better. Guess we'll see what happens tomorrow.

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