Monday, June 13, 2011

Daddy, I Miss You . . .

As much as I tried to not fall into depression during this time of year, I guess the subconscious mind won't be changed from its course. And it sucks. I woke up long enough to take my mom to the bank today so she could talk to someone or other. I came home and then went back to sleep. I just didn't feel like getting up. And of course, it's June 13th. My father's birthday.

He's been gone for eight years and I miss him. And I miss him more around this time of year than any other. Between Mother's Day and Father's Day is usually the worst. 

When he was alive, everything was easier. We were all happier. Life had less worries and though I didn't realize it at the time, he was always there for me. And I miss him so much. In some respects I hate my life. I hate a lot of it, I guess. But having him gone just makes things that much worse.

Anyway, I'm tired. I chilled out watching "27 Drsses" and now I'm just waiting to watch "Sanctuary." Maybe I'll do a little reading too. I just feel depressed and it sucks. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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