Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vote Cassie for Fire Marshal!


I am so proud of her! I can't even begin to tell you! When I was her age I NEVER ran for anything. I was so afraid of being ridiculed that it kept me from doing a lot of things. I was shy though I was beginning to break free of it a little. If you knew me now, you'd never believe I was a painfully shy kid. I am still afraid for ridicule, but I guess some things just don't go away. When you live in a house where you're always being put down and there is no one cheering you on, it's hard to think of anything about how you're going to screw up, get criticised and ridiculed . . . even laughed at.

But here Cassie is! She is going for Fire Marshal! She didn't think she could win. I think the posters came out great! I ended up doing most of the work, but she told me totally what she wanted and what colors. I mean, that's what the real politicians do, right? LOL! And the stickers too. We both worked on those. I did most of the work and I came up with the idea for the stars, but the colors were all her and everything!

She was a little afraid of giving the speech, but I helped her reword the speech she had because she didn't like it and then I wrote it out big enough for her that she could read it easily. Though I didn't get to see her, she told me that at first she was scared and then she did it and did it without a problem! And she said that all her classmates and other kids were telling her they were going to vote for her. The voting was right after, but she won't find out the results until Monday. I can't wait to find out! But even if she doesn't win it was such a GREAT experience for us both! It was awesome to do something like this with her. It was a fantastic mom and daughter time!

Go Cassie for Fire Marshal!! YAY!!!

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