Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holly Not So Jolly Christmas and Beyond

Well, Christmas was actually very nice though Christmas Eve was one of the WORST I had ever had. Jason was a total ass and yelling about Ajay and pulling all kinds of crap. He got angry with Cassi because she screamed and cussed him out about how he was treating Ajay - her BEST friend! It just got all out of hand. I was angry, frustrated and went to bed before Jason and Susan came home from Susan's mom's. I did go to sleep after taking extra med to make me SLEEP! But it was definitely the WORST Christmas Eve ever. I hope that Jason is somewhere else or I am next holiday. I won't have him ruin another holiday season! In fact, Christmas morning I didn't want to wake up. But Jordan eventually woke me up for his stocking. Cassi and Ajay had spent Christmas Eve at my mom's. It was just a sad evening. At least I made Chili Mac. That was yummy!

Eventually Jordan got me up. He and I took pix of us with our stockings. I had a hard time getting ready to go to my mom's for Christmas. Jason and Susan were gone. Jason had worked the night audit shift and from there Susan picked him up and they went up to her brother's house for Christmas. It was no picnic for her either. She had to put up with Jason.

Butt once I got to my mother's, it was a good day! We ate, opened gifts - which I was thrilled to have gotten a couple things I had not expected! I was given a book, a check for $20 and a gift card to Walmart for $25! It was awesome! Tim tried to get me into a debate and I stopped it before it could go anywhere. He got so miffed that he left! LOL! I was irritated and yet happy at the same time. Does that makes sense? 

I also watched "A Walk To Remember," that Tim was supposed to watch with Nancy and Rudolpho. It was a good movie but not one I would add to my collection. I did enjoy it though. It was worth watching for sure. Butt it's a movie I would really just watch once.

Also I had some Chocolate Milk Wine! YUMMY!! It got me tipsy really fast and lasted about 20-30 minutes! That was cool! If I could get some for New Year's Eve, I would! In fact, maybe I will depending on how expensive it is.

I also had pie and then left after saying bye to everyone and giving Jordan a BIG hug! :-) So I had a pretty great day! Then I came home . . . :-( Jason started into his attitude about he wants an apology from Cassi for her yelling at him. Personally I think she should apologize for the screaming, but not apologize for cussing him out. He is allowed to being an ass all the time to everyone. It's not fair and not right. Other people have feelings too and Cassi won't let him get away with shit like that. But he started in on demanding an apology so I started to go back to my room and he said I didn't have to go, so I just put my stuff down and came back out. Guess what the fricken baby did? When I came out he went into his bedroom!! Okay, what? He had to make a stupid point or something? I don't know. I didn't get it, but it pissed me off. I think he apologized to me, bu to be honest I don't remember. Maybe it was because he is always apologizing and I just don't believe it's true anymore.

The day after Christmas was fun! I got to do some shopping with my Gift Card! I bought some more off-brand Splenda because I'm almost out. I also got the movie "Traitor" for $3. A movie "Savages" for $5 and "Ron White A Little Unprofessional." I can't wait to watch that one! Ron White is soooooo funny! I also finally bought myself a new wallet since my other one got stolen. It's pink fake alligator skin and it's perfect! I can't shove tons of receipts into it! My old one was mostly full of receipts! :-P 

When I got home, I parked on the street to shut Jason up about Ajay in my car in the parking lot of the apartments. He can't do ANYTHING about it now. It's my car and it's on the street! He can't do shit! Yay! 

On December 27th I took Ajay with Cassi to the Welfare office in El Cajon so he could turn in some food stamps paperwork and set another appointment. From there, we were hungry. I had a couple of dollars and Ajay had a dollar and a dime - just enough for two tacos for a $1 at Jack in the Box. We went inside, got our tacos, and talked. I kept track of the time and planned to get back in time to take Jason to the trolley. I did, but as he and I went to leave, Ajay was coming into the complex. Jason starts getting in his face saying he can't be here. That he is trespassing, and all this shit. I told him he was going to talk to his mom! OMG! What an ass! Then we're going to the car and Cassi yelled at him again and though I didn't see is face, but by his body language I could tell he was in a rage! I couldn't really get out of my car fast enough to do anything so I was holding my phone waiting for my daughter to scream! It turns out that she blocked his way at the gate with the gate for a minute that might have had just enough time for him to realize what he was doing or something. But eventually he just went to the apartment to lock the door. Which was stupid because he had to know that I would just open the door as soon as I got back - a whole 10-15 minutes maybe.

When he got back in the car, he spend the rest of the time trying to convince me he wasn't going to hit her. That he would never hit a kid.Had I ever seen him hit a kid? But I knew he had been ready to hit her. Body language doesn't lie and he spent THAT much time trying to convince me he wasn't going to and never would hit her? Yeah. Okay. I vented to Susan when I had a chance and after that, I have been on edge waiting for him to do something I can call the cops on him for. Isn't that sad? He was one of my best friends. I had left him blow up on me so many times, reducing me to tears, but I would eventually brush it off and never really think about it again. But that's how I dealt with abuse and I NEVER put it together until recently. I love him, but I am so angry inside when it comes to him. I just am and I don't think it's going to go away until we are no longer near each other like this.

Yesterday was okay. He and I stayed away from each other most of the day. He did push me to bake something and I really didn't want to, but I made cookies. They did turn out pretty good and he heated up dinner for us. 

Today he seemed okay, but God knows who he'll be when he gets back. Ugh! I just need to get something to eat and keep my mind busy!

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